Husband: Dr Belmont DeForest BOGART
Birthdate: Jul 1865
- Watkins Glen, Schuyler, New York, USA (2)
Death date: 8 Sep 1934
- New York, New York, New York, USA (3)
Buried: 9 Sep 1934 - Middle Village, Queens, New York, USA
Address: Fresh Pond Crematory and Columbarium, Queens County, New York
Father: Adam Welty BOGART (1829-1867) (4)
Mother: Julia A STILES (1832-1868) (5)
Marriage: 28 May 1898 Place: , , New York, USA (6,7)
1. His family appeared on the Census in 1860 in Arcadia, Wayne, New York, USA, pg 230.
E D Carnes M 26 N. Y.
A W Bogert M 34 N. Y.
Julia Bogert F 28 N. Y.
Charles Bogert M 2 N. Y.
R W Lee M 28 Ireland
Alexander Grayson M 35 N. Y.
2. He appeared on the Census on 4 Jun 1900 in Manhattan, New York, New York, USA,
ED 473, pg 5B. District 27
Belmont Bogard Head M 33 Jun 1867 New York
Maude Bogard Wife F 32 Mar 1868 New York
Humphrey D. F. Bogard Son M 5/12 Dec 1899 New York
Mabel L Humphrey S-in-l F 26 Nov 1873 New York
Alice D. Churchill Roomer F 33 Mar 1867 New York
3. He appeared on the Census on 7 Jun 1900 in , Ontario, New York, USA, ED 80, pg
4A. South Bristol Township
Belmont D Bogart Head M 32 Jul 1867 New York m. 2 yrs.
Maud H Bogart Wife F 32 Mar 1868 New York 1/1 children
Humphrey D Bogart Son M 5/12 Dec 1899 New York
Amelia Johnson Servant F 32 Dec 1867 New York
Pearl Martin Nurse F 24 Apr 1876 New York
Bennie S Martin Boarder M 19 Jan 1881 New York
Belmont is a physician.
4. He appeared on the Census in 1910 in Manhattan, New York, New York, USA, ED 735,
pg 6B. Ward 12
Belmont D Bogart Head M 47 New York
Maude A Bogart Wife F 39 New York
Humphey Bogart Son M 10 New York
Francis Bogart Dau F 7 New York
Catherine Bogart Dau F 5 New York
Katherine Camphas Servant F 30 Ireland
Mary Fulmer Servant F 26 Ireland
Grace Howard Servant F 23 New Jersey
5. He appeared on the Census in 1920 in Manhattan, New York, New York, USA, ED 810,
pg 10A. District 11
Belmont D Bogart Head M 51 New York
Maude H Bogart Wife F 47 New York
Humphrey Bogart Son M 20 New York
Francis Bogart Dau F 18 Pennsylvania
Cathrine E Bogart Dau F 15 New York
Maud has gotten 5 years younger than in 1900.
Birthdate: 30 Mar 1865
- Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA (10,11)
Death date: 22 Nov 1940
- Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (12)
Buried: 24 Nov 1940 - Glendale, Los Angeles, California, USA
Address: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California
Father: John Perkins HUMPHREY (1836-1891) (13)
Mother: Frances Dewey CHURCHILL (1838-1897) (14)
1. She appeared on the Census in 1870 in Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA, pg 23.
John P Humphrey M 34 New York
Fanny D Humphrey F 32 New York
Maud Humphrey F 2 New York
Kattie Leonard F 23 Canada
Catherine Hutt F 19 Canada
John is a stone dealer. They live near their parents.
1 M Humphrey DeForest BOGART (15)
Birthdate: 25 Dec 1899 - New York, New York, New York, USA (16)
Death date: 14 Jan 1957 - Westwood, Los Angeles, California, USA (15)
Buried: 16 Jan 1957 - Glendale, Los Angeles, California, USA
Address: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California
Spouse: Mayo Jane METHOT (1906-1951) (17)
Marr. Date: 20 Aug 1938 - , Los Angeles, California, USA (18)
Spouse: Betty Joan PERSKE (1924-2014) (19)
Marr. Date: 21 May 1945 - , Lucas, Ohio, United States (20)
2 F Frances BOGART (22)
Birthdate: 25 Oct 1902 - , , New York, USA (23,24)
Death date: 12 Oct 1982 - , Los Angeles, California, USA (25)
Spouse: Stuart ROSE (Abt 1897- ) (26)
Marr. Date:
3 F Catherine E BOGART (27)
Birthdate: 1905 - , , New York, USA (28)
Death date: Abt 1939
Marr. Date:
General Notes: Husband - Dr Belmont DeForest BOGART
Who's Who in New York City and State, Volume 4, L.R. Hamersly Company, 1909, NY,NY; pg
Bogart, Belmont De Forest:
Physician; b. Watkins, N. Y.; s. Adam W. and Julia (Stiles) Bogart; ed. Phillips
Acad., Andover, Mass., 1888, Columbia, 1896; m. N. Y. City, 1898, Maude Humphrey;
children: Humphrey, b. 1900, Francis, b. 1902, Katherine, b. 1904. Engaged in general
practice of medicine in N. Y. City. Republican; Presbyterian. Mem. Sloane Hosp. Alumni
Soc.; physician to Out Patient Dep't Presbyterian Hosp. Recreations: Sports in general.
Club: N. Y. Athletic. Summer Home: The Willows, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Address: 245 W.
103d St., N. Y. City.
General Notes: Wife - Maud HUMPHREY
"By 1893 Maud had found her niche: she was known as a painter of children. By the turn
of the century she had become one of the best paid and most successful commercial
illustrators in America, frequently using boys and girls to populate her drawings.
Through her illustrations, she helped sell such products as Ivory soap, Elgin watches,
Mellin baby food, Sunshine stoves, and Crosman Brothers flower seeds." [Winterthur
Museum, Garden and Library]
Last Modified: 14 Jan 2015
1. 1900 Federal Census, New York, Ontario, ED 80, pg 4A. Belmont D Bogart.
2. 1900 Federal Census, New York, Ontario, ED 80, pg 4A. age 32, Jul 1867, New York.
3. Cemetery Record, Fresh Pond Crematory and Columbarium, Belmont Deforest Bogart.
4. New York Marriages, 1686-1980 (FamilySearch.org), Bogart, Belmont De Forest. Adam
Welty Bogart.
5. New York Marriages, 1686-1980 (FamilySearch.org), Bogart, Belmont De Forest.
Julia Stiles.
6. 1900 Federal Census, New York, Ontario, ED 80, pg 4A. married 2 years.
7. New York Marriages, 1686-1980 (FamilySearch.org), Bogart, Belmont De Forest. to
Maud Humphrey, 28 May 1898, Manhattan.
8. 1900 Federal Census, New York, Ontario, ED 80, pg 4A. Maud H Bogart.
9. 1940 Federal Census, California, Los Angeles, ED 60-174, pg 15A. Maud Humphrey
10. 1900 Federal Census, New York, Ontario, ED 80, pg 4A. age 32, Mar 1868, New
11. 1940 Federal Census, California, Los Angeles, ED 60-174, pg 15A. age 67, New
12. Cemetery Record, Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), Maud Humphrey Bogart.
13. New York Marriages, 1686-1980 (FamilySearch.org), Bogart, Belmont De Forest.
John Perkins Humphrey.
14. New York Marriages, 1686-1980 (FamilySearch.org), Bogart, Belmont De Forest.
Frances Dewey Churchill.
15. California Death Index, Bogart, Humphrey DeForest.
16. California Death Index, Bogart, Humphrey DeForest. 25 Dec 1899, New York.
17. California County Marriages, 1850-1952 (FamilySearch.org), Bogart, Humphrey. to
Mayo Jane Methot.
18. California County Marriages, 1850-1952 (FamilySearch.org), Bogart, Humphrey. to
Mayo Jane Methot, 20 Aug 1938, Los Angeles County.
19. 1930 Federal Census, New York, Kings, ED 1273, pg 25A. Betty Persky.
20. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Lauren Bacall. 21 May 1945, "Their wedding and
honeymoon took place at Malabar Farm, Lucas, Ohio, the country home of Pulitzer
Prize-winning author Louis Bromfield, a close friend of Bogart." Bogart and
Bacall met while filming "To Have and Have Not" and married soon afterward.
21. California Death Index, Rose, Pat Bogart.
22. 1910 Federal Census, New York, New York, ED 735, pg 6B. Francis Bogart.
23. 1910 Federal Census, New York, New York, ED 735, pg 6B. age 7, New York.
24. California Death Index, Brose, Frances Bogart. 25 Oct 1901, New York.
25. California Death Index, Brose, Frances Bogart.
26. California Death Index, Rose, Pat Bogart or Brose, Frances Bogart.
27. 1910 Federal Census, New York, New York, ED 735, pg 6B. Catherine Bogart.
28. 1910 Federal Census, New York, New York, ED 735, pg 6B. age 5, New York.
My Notes
The oldest child on this sheet is the actor, Humphrey Bogart. The second spouse listed for
him is Lauren Bacall.
If there is no SOURCE, I have no PROOF!