New York Family Group Sheet for the Jasper Clinton BALL Family

Husband: Jasper Clinton BALL
Birthdate: 16 MAY 1852
Birthplace: Busti, Erie County, New York
Death date: 24 MAY 1933
Place of death:
Father: Clinton Manross BALL
Mother: Cynthia T. DALE

Marriage date: 15 nov 1876
Marriage place: Dunkirk, Chautauqua County, New York

Wife: Nellie R. DURRELL
Birthdate: Abt 1856
Death date:
Place of death:
Father: George Osborn DURRELL
Mother: Anne Jane JEWELL


Child No. 1: Fred Clinton BALL
Sex: M
Birthdate: Abt 1878
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Maude BALL
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt 1880
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: Nov 1903
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: L. Robert Shipman

Child No. 3: Mabel Lillian BALL
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt 1882
Death date: 5 AUG 1967
Place of death: Florida
Marriage date: 15 SEP 1904
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Edwin Johnson

Child No. 4: Henry Durrell BALL
Sex: M
Birthdate: 16 SEP 1886
Birthplace: New York
Death date: 28 FEB 1915
Place of death: Wyandotte, Michigan
Marriage date: 31 AUG 1910
Marriage place: Jamestown, Chautauqua County, New York
Spouse's name: Desiree Evelyn Hunt

Child No. 5: Blanche Dale BALL
Sex: F
Birthdate: Abt 1890
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: Bef. 1915
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: ? Finley
1. from Rootsweb's World Connect

* Jasper and Nellie Ball are the grand parents of actress Lucille Ball.

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