* As stated in a Kansas newspaper article of his death:
"Pioneer Dead!"
"L.B. Putney, Pioneer Wholesale Merchant."
"His Death Occurred at Topeka, Kansas."
"City Mourns the Loss of One of Its Best Men."
"Funeral To-morrow Morning."
Lyman Beecher Putney died at Topeka, Kansas, yesterday morning after an
illness of a few months, and in consequence there is universal sorrow throughout this city
and the southwest. For the past few days the end to this long life of general usefulness
was expected, and being anxious to gain the latest bit of information from the sick
chamber of his father, Robert E. Putney wired for facts to Dr. J.P. Kaster last Saturday.
The doctor promptly answered and wired as follows: "Topeka, Kansas, March 10.-Father
ailing rapidly; can hardly survive the night." The son knew by this brief message that the
dissolution of life was approaching, but he wanted to see his father once more alive and
he telegraphed to Dr. Kaster asking whether he should make the trip to Topeka, and would
his father be alive on his arrival. In response thereto came the following sad message
from the bereaved wife yesterday afternoon: "Topeka, Kansas, March 11.-Father died this
morning; leave for home at noon Sunday with the body." This is indeed sad news to
Albuquerque, for it removes from the business circles of the city one of the pioneers of
mercantile life -a man "where his name is written his honor is given and one whose
integrity, straightforwardness and business principles are by-words, throughout the
southwest." Lyman Beecher Putney was born in New York in 1832 and was therefore 67
(unreadable]. He left his old New York home when quite young to "grow with the West", and
when he reached Lawrence, Kansas, he had accumulated enough funds to engage in business
there. He was enjoying a thriving trade when Quantrell and his guerrilla raided the town
and he lost everything. In 1866 the firm of Moore, Bennett, & Co., of which the
deceased was a member, was established at Lawrence, and several years later the Santa Fe
railway company commenced building west and southwest. The firm followed the railroad, and
first established a store, with Lawrence as headquarters, at Trinidad, thence at Raton,
Las Vegas, Albuquerque and San Marcial, leaving a branch store at each of the places name.
Finally, when the railroad had penetrated into the Rio Grande valley, all the branch
stores were withdrawn and the immense business of the firm was concentrated at this city.
This was in 1879, and about a year later Mr. Putney purchased the interests of his two
partners, they retiring shortly from the territory and he remaining to help build up the
country and at the same time continue to increase his own business. The old frame store
building-which is indeed one of the landmarks of Railroad avenue-was moved to Albuquerque
in sections from Las Vegas after the firm had consolidated all their business interests in
New Mexico at this city. The deceased was married to Miss Jennie Coleman (the devoted and
faithful wife that survives him) at Waukesha, Wis., in 1866*, and besides her he leaves to
mourn his death Robert E. Putney, the only son and child. It is understood that a brother
resides somewhere in the west, but the deceased had not heard from him for many years.
FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS. The remains will arrive from Topeka on the No. 1 passenger train
which will reach this city at 7:55 o'clock this evening, accompanied by Mrs. Putney and
possibly Dr. and Mrs. Kaster. The remains will then be turned over to the Undertaker
Strong and conveyed by him to the residence of the bereaved son Robert E. Putney, No. 617
West Copper avenue. The funeral services will be held at the residence mentioned at 10
o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday morning, conducted by Rev. T.C. Beattie.) The music will be
furnished by a male quartette which will be in charge of Prof. C.E. Burg. The following
pall-bearers have been ?: Gov. E.S. Stover, O.N. ?, A.J. Maloy, Noa Ilfeld, John A. ? of
this city, and John Becker, of Bele? All friends are invited to attend the funeral
services, which will be followed with burial in Fairview cemetery.