NH Family Group Sheet for the William THOMPSON Family

Husband: William THOMPSON
Birthdate: June 20, 1785
Birthplace: Londonderry, Rockingham, NH
Death date: August 16, 1863
Place of death: Grafton, Windham, VT
Father: unknown

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Elizabeth L. HOLMES
Birthdate: September 23, 1784
Birthplace: Londonderry, Rockingham, NH
Death date: June 15, 1845
Place of death: Grafton, Windham, VT
Father: unknown


Child No. 1: Jonathan Holmes
Sex: M
Birthdate: August 27, 1809
Birthplace: Londonderry, Rockingham, NH
Death date: April 2, 1891
Place of death: Aurora, Kane, IL
Marriage date: August 27, 1835
Marriage place: Prob. Peru, Bennington, VT
Spouse's name: Tryphena W. STAPLES

Child No. 2: Henry
Sex: M
Birthdate: October 21, 1811
Birthplace: Grafton, Windham, VT
Death date: January 5, 1849
Place of death: Grafton, Windham, VT
Marriage date: August 25, 1841
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Peninah PORTER

Child No. 3: John
Sex: M
Birthdate: September 8, 1814
Birthplace: Grafton, Windham, VT
Death date: September 19, 1892
Place of death: Sugar Grove, Kane, IL
Marriage date: January 3, 1839
Marriage place: Dorset, Bennington, VT
Spouse's name: Julia Ann COL(L)SON

Child No. 4: William
Sex: M
Birthdate: January 23, 1817
Birthplace: Grafton, Windham, VT
Death date: March 10, 1881
Place of death: Aurora, Kane, IL
Marriage date: May 9, 1839
Marriage place: Keene, Cheshire, NH
Spouse's name: Wealthy F. GURLER

Child No. 5: Harvey
Birthdate: March 22, 1819
Birthplace: Grafton, Windham, VT
Death date: April 1, 1891
Place of death: Sugar Grove, Kane, IL
Marriage date: October 21, 1847
Marriage place: Kane, IL
Spouse's name: Mahala SEAVEY

Child No. 6: James
Sex: M
Birthdate: December 25, 1821
Birthplace: Grafton, Windham, VT
Death date: August 20, 1849
Place of death: Sugar Grove, Kane, IL
Marriage date: February 15, 1845
Marriage place: Kane, IL
Spouse's name: Ruth BENTON

Child No. 7: Mary Ann
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 14, 1824
Birthplace: Grafton, Windham, VT
Death date: September 3, 1848
Place of death: Prob. Grafton, Windham, VT
Marriage date: May 29, 1844
Marriage place: Prob. Grafton, Windham, VT
Spouse's name: Lucius WILEY

*All dates from family notes or tombstones.
*Most verified from vital records.
*William 1785 had a late life second wife Nancey WILSON, married about 1809. Died in Grafton, Windham, VT and buried alongside William and Elizabeth in the Village Cemetery, Grafton, Windham, VT.

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