NH Family Group Sheet for the Albert STORY Family

Husband: Albert STORY
Birthdate: 1838
Birthplace: New Hampshire
Death date: 1880
Place of death: Raymond,N.H.m
Father: James M Story
Mother: Lucy Amanda Ladd

Marriage date:
Marriage place: New Hampshire

Birthdate: Sept 6, 1839
Birthplace: New Hampshire
Death date: 1923
Place of death: New Hampshire
Father: William Richards
Mother: Keziah Russell


Child No. 1: Angie May
Sex: f
Birthdate: May 22,1863
Birthplace: Chicago,Ill
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: Jan1,1887
Marriage place: Manchester,N.H.
Spouse's name: George RIley

Child No. 2: William A
Sex: m
Birthdate: Feb.12.1870
Birthplace: Manchester,N.H.
Death date: Oct.17,1943
Place of death: Concord,N.H.
Marriage date: Oct 30,1890
Marriage place: Manchester,N.H.
Spouse's name: Mary F Carr

Child No. 3: James L
Sex: m
Birthdate: Sept 1880
Birthplace: manchester,N.H.
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: june, 1 1911
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mabel Clough

The information is from the History of Goffstown Book and the union paper.

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