NH Family Group Sheet for the John MANN Family

Husband: John MANN
Birthdate: 25 Dec 1750
Birthplace: NH
Death date: 29 Apr 1849
Place of death: Warren Co, IN
Burial: Ottwell Cemetery, Franklin Co, IN
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: May 1797
Marriage place: Pawlet, Rutland Co, Vermont

Wife: Persia STRATTON
Birthdate: 18 Aug 1768
Birthplace: VT
Death date: 16 Mar 1859
Place of death: Green Twp, Hamilton Co, OH
Burial: Ottwell Cemetery, Franklin Co, IN
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Sarah Sally Mann
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1799
Birthplace: VT
Death date: 1880
Place of death: IN
Burial: Ottwell Cemetery, Franklin Co, IN
Marriage date: 1818 NY
Marriage place: NY
Spouse's name: William M. Stone

Child No. 2: Ormon Mann
Sex: M
Birthdate: 5 Feb 1800
Birthplace: VT
Death date: 24 Jul 1884
Place of death: Green Twp, Hamilton Co, OH
Burial: VanBlaricum Family Cemetery, Green Twp, Hamilton Co, OH
Marriage date: 11 Aug 1825
Marriage place: Green Twp, Hamilton Co, OH
Spouse's name: Catherine VanBlaricum

Child No. 3: James Mann
Sex: M
Birthdate: 2 Jun 1802
Birthplace: NY
Death date: 1842
Place of death: Green Twp, Hamilton Co, OH
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: Abt 1825
Marriage place: OH
Spouse's name: Hannah ?

Child No. 4: Mary Ann "Polly" Mann
Sex: F
Birthdate: 4 Aug 1808
Birthplace: NY
Death date: 27 May 1883
Place of death: OH
Burial: VanBlaricum Family Cemetery, Green Twp, Hamilton Co, OH
Marriage date: Abt 1829
Marriage place: Green Twp, Hamilton Co, OH
Spouse's name: Israel VanBlaricum

Child No. 5: John Mann
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1810
Birthplace: NY
Death date: ?
Place of death: IA
Marriage date: Abt 1834
Burial: ?
Marriage place: Hamilton Co, OH
Spouse's name: Elizabeth ?

Child No. 6: Joel Mann
Sex: M
Birthdate: 12 May 1812
Birthplace: NY
Death date: 29 May 1879
Place of death: Jasper Co, IL
Burial: Songer Cemetery, Rose Hill, Jasper Co, IL
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Meribeth Whipple

Child No. 7: Lorinda Mann
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1817
Birthplace: Franklin Co, IN
Death date: Aft 1895
Place of death: Reno Co, KS
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 25 Dec 1833
Marriage place: Franklin Co, IN
Spouse's name: William Sizelove

*Revolutionary War Pension file indicates that he lived in Hampton, New Hampshire, during the revolutionary war when not in service.
-Physical description: 5'5", complexion, light
*Initial enlistment states he is from Newbury.
-Enlisted in the Massachusetts State Troops Under Captain Jeremiah Putnam's Company, Col. Nathan Tyler's Reg.
-Joined reg. at Providence, Rhode Island.
-Remained at Providence, Rhode Island until the British evacuated Rhode Island, then marched to the interior of that state.
-Under Col. Rufus Putnam, General ? Brigade, 5th Mass Reg., Capt.
*Haffield White's Company, (Kimble? orderly sargeant).
-Served 6 months.
-Joined the army near "Stony of Hawks Point"?
-Discharged at West Point 26 Jan 1781.
-Enlisted in New Hampshire state troops under Maj. William Scott, 1st New Hampshire Reg., Capt. Gilmore, (Scott? orderly sargeant).
-Troopstook water at Fish Kills, New York, then went to Albany, New York.
-Marched from Albany, New York to Saratoga, New York.
-Discharged Saratoga, New York.

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