NH Family Group Sheet for the the Benjamin HOWARD Family

Husband: Benjamin HOWARD
Birthdate: 1759
Birthplace: unknown
Death date: 30 Sep 1819
Place of death: Bath, Grafton, NH
Burial: unmarked grave Bath
Father: Daniel Howard
Mother: Sarah Backus

Marriage date: 26 Nov 1805
Marriage place: Lyme, Grafton, NH

Wife: Sarah CURRIER
Birthdate: 1782
Birthplace: East Kingston, Rockingham, NH
Death date: 12 Mar 1872
Place of death: Mercer, Somerset, ME
Burial: Mercer Village Cemetery
Father: Ezra Currier
Mother: Ruth Cassidy


Child No. 1: Mary Howard
Sex: F
Birthdate: July 1807
Birthplace: Litchfield, Kennebec, ME
Death date: 18 Nov 1892
Place of death: Mercer, Somerset, ME
Burial: Mercer Village Cemetery
Marriage date: 28 Jun 1864
Marriage place: Mercer, Somerset, ME
Spouse's name: Isaac Boston

Child No. 2: Gideon Charles Howard
Sex: M
Birthdate: 13 Mar 1809
Birthplace: Litchfield, Kennebec, ME
Death date: 6 Aug 1864
Place of death: Haverhill, Essex, MA
Burial: Pine Grove Cem., Lynn, MA
Marriage date: 30 Nov 1837
Marriage place: Litchfield, Kennebec, ME
Spouse's name: AnnLewis

Child No. 3: Samuel A. Howard
Sex: M
Birthdate: 31 May 1815
Birthplace: Bath, Grafton, NH
Death date: 25 Oct 1903
Place of death: Morristown, Lamouille, VT
Burial: Morristown, VT
Marriage date: 16 Apr 1845
Marriage place: Alexandria, Grafton, NH
Spouse's name: Sarah H.W. Ballou

Child No. 4: Joseph Adams Howard
Sex: M
Birthdate: about 1817
Birthplace: Bath, Grafton, NH
Death date: bet 1877-1887
Place of death: unknown
Burial: unknown
Marriage date: 3 Jan 1841
Marriage place: Malden, Middlesex, MA
Spouse's name: Sarah J. Penney

Child No. 5: Elizabeth Howard
Sex: F
Birthdate: about 1819
Birthplace: Bath, Grafton, NH
Death date: unknown
Place of death: unknown
Marriage date: 15 Apr 1849
Burial: unknown
Marriage place: Georgetown, Sagadahoc, ME
Spouse's name: Collins Pattee

1) Benjamin Howard sources:
*Revolutionary War & Pension files;
*1790 Lyme NH Census;
*1800 & 1810 Litchfield ME census -
*Notes: Marriage to Sarah Currier was his second marriage. I have not located all the children nor the wife for the first marriage.

2) Sarah Currier sources:
*Revolutionary War files;
*2nd marriage to Philip I. Fisher 24 Dec 1844 in Mercer town records,
*tombstone in Mercer ME;
*1850 & 1860 Mercer ME census

3) Mary Howard sources:
*1870 & 1880 Mercer ME census;
*History of Mercer ME 1782-1974
*Notes: lived with mother until marriage to widower;

4) Gideon Howard sources:
*1st marriage to cousin Rachel Annis 19 Feb 1835 in Bath, Grafton, NH -
*son Charles b. 21 Dec 1836 at Bath; died at Alexandria, VA 5 Jun 1865;
*Kennebec court record for bigamy;
*1840 Mt Vernon ME census;
*1850 Arrowsic Island ME;
*1860 Haverhill MA;
*Monmouth ME marriage intention;
*Haverhill MA death record;
*tombstone - Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn

5) Samuel Howard sources:
*Morristown VT death record;
*1860 Pottsdam NY;
*1870 Richford VT;
*1880 Elmore VT;
*1900 Morristown VT;
*2nd marriage to Lovina Lawson Slayton on 1 Feb 1887, Morristown, VT, marriage record;

6) Joseph Howard sources:
*letter printed in Currier family book;
*1850 Melrose,1860,1865 Lynn MA census;
*Civil War Pension record;
*Joseph just disappeared, but family lived in same area of MA

7) Elizabeth Howard notes:
*a gal by this name, the right age, and the right place married a widower Collins Pattee on 15 Apr 1849 Georgetown town records. Collins died in 1856 - no further record found of Elizabeth.

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