New Hampshire Family Group Sheet for the Moses GILMAN Family

Husband: Moses GILMAN (2a, 3b, 4a, 5)
Birthdate: Mar. 11, 1630
Birthplace: Hingham, England (1a, 2a; 3b)
Death date: 1702
Place of death: Newfields, Rockingham, NH (1a, 2a)
Burial: Newmarket, Rockingham, NH (1a, 3b)
Father: Edward GILMAN (VI ) (1k)
Mother: Mary CLARK (1k)
Other spouses:

Marriage date: 1658 (3b)
Marriage place: 1658; Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts (3b)

Wife: Elizabeth HERSIE (1k)
Death date:
Place of death:
Father: William HERSIE (1a)
Other spouses:


Child No. 1: MOSES (1g, 3n) (2c: #811)
Sex: M
Birthdate: July 3, 1659 (3n)
Death date: 1747
Place of death: Newmarket, Rockingham, NH (1g; 3n)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Ann HEARD (1g; 3n) [1];Elizabeth Lambert (1g; 3n) [2]

Child No. 2: JEREMIAH (1b, 2c: #801, 3c, 5)
Sex: M
Birthdate: Aug. 31, 1660
Birthplace: Newmarket, Rockingham, NH (3c) (5)
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mary WIGGIN (1b, 3c)

Child No. 3: ELIZABETH (2c: #807) (1h, #35) (5)
Sex: F
Birthdate: Apr. 19, 1663 (3j) (5)
Death date: 1728
Place of death: Exeter, Rockingham, NH (2c)
Marriage date: Oct. 25, 1682 (3j) (5)
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Byley DUDLEY

Child No. 4: JAMES (1c, 3d) (2c: #802) (5)
Sex: M
Birthdate: May 31, 1665 (1c) (5)
Death date: 1753
Place of death: Newfields, Rockingham, NH (1c)
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Mary DOLLOFF (1c, 3d)

Child No. 5: JOHN (1d, 3e) (2c: #803) (5)
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 7, 1668 (1d, 3e, 5)
Death date: 1753/1754 (1d, 3e)
Place of death:
Marriage date: Nov. 19, 1695
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Dorothy WIGGIN (3e)

Child No. 6: DAVID (3f) (2c: #804) (1h, #32)
Sex: M
Birthplace: Newmarket, Rockingham, NH (3f)
Death date: 1735 (3f)
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: JOSHUA (1e, 3g) (2c: #805)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1673 (3g)
Death date: Jan. 26, 1718 (1e, 3g)
Place of death: Hampton, Rockingham, NH (4b)
Marriage date: Nov. 10, 1702 (1e, 3g)
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Maria HERSIE

Child No. 8: CALEB (1f, 3h) (2c: #806)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1678 (3h)
Death date: 1766 (3h)
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Susannah FOLSOM (1f, 3h)

Child No. 9: MARY (2c: #808) (1h, #37)
Sex: F
Birthplace: Exeter, NH (3k)
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date: Before 1701 (3m)
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Cornelius CONNOR (3k)

Child No. 10: JUDITH (2c: #809) (1h; #36)
Sex: F
Birthplace: Exeter, Rockingham, NH (3m)
Death date: 1727 (1h, #36)
Place of death:
Marriage date: Before 1701 (3m)
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Thomas LYFORD (3m)
1) History of Newfields, NH; (James H. Fitts; Google e-book) Pub: 1912
1a) ibid: pg 524; #27 (10) (Moses < Edward) ibid: pg. 74, #21
1b) ibid: pg 526; #64 (29) (Jeremiah) (Child #2)
1c) ibid: pg 526, #73 (30) (James) (Child #4)
1d) ibid: pg 527, #83 (31) (John) (Child #5) proprietor of Gilmanton, NH; May 20, 1727
1e) Ibid: pg 527, #89 (33) (Joshua) (Child #(7)
1f) ibid: pg 527, #93 (34) (Caleb) (Child #8) proprietor, Gilmanton, NH; May 20, 1727
1g) ibid: pg 526, #58 (28) (Moses) (Child #1)
1h) ibid: pg 524; #29-#37 (David (6), Elizabeth (3), Judith (10), Mary (9)
1k) Ibid: pg 523; #4
2) The Gilman Family, Traced in the Line of Hon. John Gilman, of Exeter, NH (Arthur Gilman); Pub: 1869 (Google e-book)
2a) ibid: Book pg. 41 (#!8) (Moses)
2b) ibid: pg. 233; #800
2c) ibid: pg. 233 (800 series)
2d) Ibid: (#800): (#801-#815) includes all children of Moses.
2e) ibid: (#810) Abigail, wife of John Lord of Ipswich,, had sixteen children.
3) The Story of the Gilmans and a Gilman Genealogy of the Descendants of Edward Gilman of Hingham, England, 1550-1950 (Constance Le Neve Ames) Pub: 1950 (Google e-book)
3a) ibid: Book page 103: Newmarket Branch
3b) ibid: (#1400) Moses
3c) ibid: (#1402) Jeremiah
3d) ibid: (#1404) James
3e) Ibid: (#1405) John
3f) Ibid: (#1406) David
3g) Ibid: (#1407) Joshua
3h) Ibid: (#1408) Caleb
3j) Ibid: (#1403) Elizabeth
3k) Ibid: (#1409) Mary
3m) Ibid: (#1410) Judith
3n) Ibid: (#1401) Moses (s/o Moses)
4) The History of Gilmanton: (NH) Pub. 1845; (Google e-book)
4a) ibid: page 270
4b) ibid: page 271
5) History of the town of Exeter, New Hampshire; Charles Henry Bell Pub. 1888; (Google e-book); pg. 498/16.

a) May 1638, Edward Gilman, his wife, three sons, two daughters, arrived from Norfolk County, England. They settled in Rehoboth, MA. Edward Gilman Jr. moved to Exeter in 1648. In 1653, Edward Sr and sons John and Moses, moved to Exeter, NH. All Gilman’s in Exeter and vicinity are descended from them.
b) Edward was the emigrant ancestor of the family in America. He is the fifth generation of Edward from Caston, Norfolk County, England. He is the first generation of Edward in America. (1; pg. 523; footnote) (1k)
c) Newfields, NH and Newmarket, NH were sections of Exeter, NH
d) Edward: Search > Family Tree > Find By ID (LRZB-DQ1) (Huge amount of info on Edward and others.
e) Moses: Search > Family Tree > Find By ID (K8Z2-W4B)
f) REF: Genealogy of the Gilman Family in England and America: traced in the line of the Hon. John Gilman, of Exeter, N.H.; Arthur Gilman, 1837-1909 Pub. 1864 (Google e-book)
g) Edward Gilman VI: married: June 3, 1614; died: June 22, 1681 (1k)
h) Elizabeth Gilman: Death date conflict: abt: 1698; Exeter, Rockingham, NH (3j)
J) James Gilman: Death date conflict: 1738; Newmarket, Rockingham, NH; (2c) Lineage: Moses < Edward < Robert < Edward 5th (b).

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