NH Family Group Sheet for the Paul GILES Family

Husband: Captain Paul GILES (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
Birthdate: 20 July 1743
Birthplace: Dover, N.H.
Death date: 4 Nov. 1824
Place of death: Lee, N.H.
Father: Mark GILES
Mother: Lydia TIBBETTS

Marriage date: UKNOWN
Marriage place: Dover, N.H.

Wife: Eillies SNELL (1)(4)
Birthdate: unknown
Death date: unknown
Place of death: Lee, N.H.


Child No. 1: Paul GILES (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 16 Jan. 1791
Birthplace: Lee, N.H.
Death date: 16 Jan. 1855
Place of death: Lee, N.H.
Marriage date: 12 April 1812
Marriage place: Lee, N.H.
Spouse's name: Sarah (Sally) RANDELL

Child No. 2: Susan GILES
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1798
Birthplace: Lee, N.H.
Death date: 28 Jan. 1816
Place of death: Lee, N.H.
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: John Farnum

Notes for Captain Paul GILES-
Nov. 1775, Captain Revolutionary War served under Captain Cutting's Company in defense of PISCATAQUA Habour at Pierce's Island. 1782 Elected one of two Constables, Town of Lee, N.H.

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