NH Family Group Sheet for the Mark GILES Family #1

Husband: Mark GILES (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)
Birthdate: abt 1650
Birthplace: Dover (Cochecho), N.H.
Death date: 1704
Place of death: Dover (Cochecho), N.H.
Father: prob Matthew GILES (2)
Mother: prob Elizabeth (2)
Other Spouse: Francis PERKINS

Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown

Wife: unknown
Death date:
Place of death:


Child No. 1: Mark GILES Jr. (1)(2)(5)(6)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1675
Birthplace: Dover, N.H.
Death date: abt 1680
Place of death: Dover,N.H.
Marriage date: 1698
Marriage place: Dover, N.H.
Spouse's name: Sarah TWOMBLY

Child No. 2: Moses GILES (1)(2)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1680
Birthplace: Dover, N.H.
Death date: unknown
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Daniel GILES (1)(2)(7)(8)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1682
Birthplace: Dover, N.H.
Death date: abt 1770
Place of death: Dover, N.H.
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Eunice unknown

Child No. 4: John GILES (1)(2)(6)
Sex: M
Birthdate: abt 1685
Birthplace: Dover, N.H.
Death date: 11 Aug. 1704
Place of death: Dover, N.H.
Marriage date: abt 1702
Marriage place: DOVER, N.H.
Spouse's name: Mary TIBBETTS

Notes for Mark GILES-
1704 killed by Indians near Oyster River (Cochecho) somewhere near Dover Point, Dover, N.H.

Notes for Mark GILES Jr.-
1710 Elected Town Constable for Durham Township.

Notes for Daniel GILES-
12 April, 1725 Town Meeting Exter, N.H. granted 30 akers land. 1727 Daniel's name on list of Kingston, N.H. men who swore allegiance to the King of England.

Notes for John GILES-
1704 killed with his father by Indians.

(1) International Genealogical Index The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
(2) John Adams Vinton, Memoirs of the Family bearing the name GYLE (GILES) 1864.
(3) Mary P. Thompson, Land Marks Ancient Dover.
(4) Charles Clinton. Founders of Early American Families: Emigrants from Europe.
(5) Pisataqau Pioneers, Early Settlers of Northern New England.
(6) New England Genealogical and Historical Register, Library Town of Framingham, Ma.
(7) Kathleen Hosier, Kingston, N.H. Early Families.
(8) Noyes Lilly Davis 1928-1939, General Dictionary of Maine and N.H.

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