NH Family Group Sheet for the Henry P. GILES Family

Husband: Henry P. GILES - (1) (2)
Birthdate: 5 March 1870
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 26 Nov. 1946
Place of death: Merrimac, Ma.
Father: George S.GILES (1) (2) (3)
Mother: Salome B.PARKER

Marriage date: 18 March 1893 (4)
Marriage place: Haverhill, Ma.

Wife: Gertrude "Effie" RING - (1) (5)
Birthdate: 1872
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 16 Aug. 1940
Place of death: West Newbury, Ma.
Father: William Ring (1) (2)
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Leroy Lester GILES (1) (2) (6) (7)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 20 Sept. 1893
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 18 Nov. 1965 (8)
Place of death: Boston, Ma.
Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown
Spouse's name: Beth BASILIERE (8)

Child No. 2: Male GILES (1)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1895
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 1895
Place of death: East Kingston. N.H.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Howard GILES (1) (4) (9) (10)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 25 July 1896
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 24 Oct. 1932
Place of death: Haverhill, Ma.
Marriage date: March 1917
Marriage place: Haverhill, Ma.
Spouse's name: Ruth COOK

Child No. 4: Stacy Elmer GILES (1) (2) (6)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 5 Feb. 1898
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 1 Nov. 1985
Place of death: Haverhill, Ma.
Marriage date: 6 June 1927
Marriage place: Haverhill, Ma.
Spouse's name: Christiana JACKSON

Child No. 5: Blanch GILES (1)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 14 April 1899
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 2 July 1899
Place of death: East Kingston, N.H.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 6: Charles GILES (1)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 10 Oct. 1900
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 10 Oct. 1900
Place of death: East Kingston, N.H.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: Alvin Laburton GILES (1) (5) (11)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 21 Aug. 1902
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 21 Oct. 1871
Place of death: Woonsocket, R.I.
Marriage date: 14 Aug. 1935
Marriage place: West Newbury, Ma.
Spouse's name: Eleanor SHIPPY

Child No. 8: Nina GILES (1) (3)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 5 July 1904
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 11 Nov. 1979
Place of death: East Kingston, N.H.
Marriage date: March 1917
Marriage place: Haverhill. Ma.
Spouse's name: Oscar Clayton BOWLEY

Child No. 9: Male GILES (1)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3 July 1905
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 3 July 1905
Place of death: East Kingston, N.H.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 10: Edna Gertrude GILES (1) (12)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 14 Sept. 1907
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 11 Jan. 1987
Place of death: Merrimac, Ma.
Marriage date: 27 Dec. 1936
Marriage place: West Newbury, Ma.
Spouse's name: Russell Carrol HARRINGTON

Child No. 11: Gardner GILES (1)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1909
Birthplace: East Kingston, N.H.
Death date: 14 Sept. 1909
Place of death: East Kingston, N.H.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 12: Male GILES (5)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 29 April 1910
Birthplace: West Newbury, Ma.
Death date: 1910
Place of death: West Newury, Ma.
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

(1) BMD Records Town of East Kingston, N.H.
(2) Registar of Vital Statics, State Of N.H. (Concord)
(3) Hillside Cemetery, East Kingston, N.H.
(4) BMD Records, Haverhill. Ma. (5) BMD Town West Newbury, Ma
(6) Joyce (GILES) Ingham.
(7) Death Records Oct 2001, Massachusetts Vitial Stats., Massachusetts Achives, Year 1965 Vol. 30 page 32.
(8) Same.
(9) Vital Records City of Haverhill, Ma.
(10) Arylne (GILES) Hudson.
(11) Dick GILES.
(12) Nancy (Harrington) Sharkey.

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