NH Family Group Sheet for the Michel CABANA Family #1

Husband: Michel CABANA
Birthdate: 08 December, 1837
Birthplace: Canada
Death date: 26 July, 1914
Place of death: Manchester, NH
Burial: Mt. Calvary Cemetery
Father: Michel CABANA
Mother: Louise CHAGNON dit LAROSE
Other Spouse: Sophrinie ST JACQUES, Rosalie LAPORTE

Marriage date: About 1857
Marriage place: Canada

Wife: Philomene Aurelie RIENDEAU
Birthplace: Canada
Death date: About 1861
Place of death: Canada
Father: Joseph RIENDEAU
Mother: Henriette QUINTIN


Child No. 1: Michel CABANA
Sex: M
Birthdate: 25 August 1858
Birthplace: Farnham, Quebec
Death date: 04 May, 1928
Place of death: Goffstown, NH
Burial: Mt. Calvary Cemetery
Marriage date: 09 September, 1884
Marriage place: St. Romuald Church, Farnham, Quebec
Spouse's name: Roseanna HARBEC

Child No. 2: Eliza CABANA
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1860
Birthplace: Farnham, Quebec
Death date: 15 December, 1927
Place of death: Manchester, NH
Burial: Mt. Calvary Cemetery
Marriage date: 25 February, 1878
Marriage place: St. Romuald Church, Farnham, Quebec
Spouse's name: Wilfrid DUHAMEL


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