Nevada Family Group Sheet for the Isaac MORGAN Family

Husband: Isaac MORGAN
Birthdate: 1830
Birthplace: Cilycwm, Carmenthinshire, Wales
Death date: 3 Jan 1895
Place of death: Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Burial: IOOF, Virginia City, NV

Marriage date: 19 Jul 1851
Marriage place: Pottsville, Schuylkill Co, PA

Wife: Jane DAVIES
Birthdate: 1 Apr 1831
Birthplace: Glyn-neath, South Wales
Death date: 25 Feb 1899
Place of death: Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Burial: IOOF, Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Father: David David
Mother: Jane


Child No. 1: Thomas MORGAN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3 May 1852
Birthplace: St. Clair, Schuylkill
Death date: 4 May 1890
Place of death: Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Burial: IOOF
Marriage date: 4 Jan 1883
Marriage place: Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Spouse's name: Carrie BERTRAND

Child No. 2: Elizabeth MORGAN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 27 Feb 1854
Birthplace: Minersville, Schulkill Co, PA
Death date: Before 1940
Place of death: unknown
Marriage date: 31 Aug 1874
Marriage place: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Spouse's name: J. B. MARSHALL

Child No. 3: David MORGAN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 6 Apr1891
Birthplace: Stewart, Placer Co, CA
Death date: 6 Apr 1891
Place of death: Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Burial: IOOF Virginia City,NV
Marriage date: 18 Jun 1882
Marriage place: St. Paul's Church,Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Spouse's name: Clara JAMES

Child No. 4: Jonathan MORGAN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 3 Feb 1858
Birthplace: Stewart, Placer Co, NV
Death date: 26 Jun 1887
Place of death: Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Burial: IOOF Virginia City, NV
Marriage date: 15 Apr 1886
Marriage place: Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Spouse's name: Clara E. HENNING

Child No. 5: Mary Jane MORGAN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 29 Feb 1858
Birthplace: Stewart, Placer Co, NV
Death date: 5 Aug 1947
Place of death: Sacramento, Sacramen to, CA
Marriage date: 9 Dec 1884
Burial: Mt. View Cemetery, Reno, NV
Marriage place: Genoa, Douglas Co, NV
Spouse's name: Judge Charles Ernest MACK

Child No. 6: Emma Corrine MORGAN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 14 Apr 1863
Birthplace: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Death date: 26 Mar 1870
Place of death: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Burial: Gold Hill Cemetery, NV
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: William MORGAN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 29 Mar 1867
Birthplace: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Death date: 22 Sep 1867
Place of death: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Burial: Gold Hill Cemetery, NV
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 8: Annie MORGAN
Sex: F
Birthdate: 13 Nov 1868
Birthplace: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Death date: 5 Oct 1952
Place of death: Reno, Washoe Co, NV
Burial: Mt. View Cemetery, Reno, NV
Marriage date: 16 Sep 1891
Marriage place: St. Paul's, Virginia City, Storey Co, NV
Spouse's name: Albert Francis BOYNE

Child No. 9: Daniel MORGAN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 8 Oct 1871
Birthplace: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Death date: Before 1962
Place of death:
Marriage date: 18 Oct 1898
Marriage place: NV
Spouse's name: Stella SOMERS

Child No. 10: Isaac Newton MORGAN
Sex: M
Birthdate: 9 Oct 1874
Birthplace: Gold Hill, Storey Co, NV
Death date: 5 May 1950
Place of death: Oakland, Alameda Co, CA
Burial: Cremetory
Marriage date: 18 Oct 1898
Marriage place: Washoe Co, NV
Spouse's name: Annie E BARCLAY

Family records and notes kept by Annie Morgan Boyne.
Marriage Certificates: Storey County Marriages Book A; Thomas Morgan, Elizabeth Morgan Book A pg 305;
David Morgan Vol. 4 pg 98, Joncey Morgan Book B pg 145;
Annie Morgan Marriage license Index 1862-1936;
Elizabeth's second marriage was to Charles W. Thomas in about 1897 in Virginia City per 5 Jun 1900 census of San Juan Sup Dist 6 ED# 145, Orange Co, CA.
Marriage certificate for David Morgan obtained from his great-granddaughter,
certificate for Mary Jane Morgan from Douglas Co, NV;
Newton Morgan marriage data from Western Marriages at Collection/fhc #265616.
Death records: Headstones for Isaac and Jane Morgan and sons Thomas, David and Jonathan in IOOF/Masonic section of Virginia City Cemetery,
Headstone for Annie Boyne and Mary Jane Mack from Mt. View Cemetery, Reno, Washoe Co, NV;
Death Certificates from Storey Co Death Index Book Jane Davies, Thomas Morgan, David Morgan Joncey (Jonathan) Morgan Book A pg 11.
Also found in FHL film # 1889227.
Death Certificates from California for Mary Jane Mack and Isaac Newton Morgan.
Obituary from Territorial Enterprise 5 Jan 1895 for Isaac Morgan;
Birth & Burial records from FHL Parkin Collection Vol 6 for Emma Corrine Morgan and William Morgan from Episcopal Church from Gold Hill.

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