Nevada Family Group Sheet for the Orel Henry MACK Family

Husband: Orel Henry MACK
Birthdate: 26 Feb 1861
Birthplace: Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Death date: 14 Apr 1928
Place of death: Auburn, Placer Co, NV
Burial: Reno, Washoe Co, NV
Father: William Henry MACK
Mother: Mary HUDNOT

Marriage date: 5 Jul 1888
Marriage place: Seneca, Nemaha Co, KS

Wife: Sarah Emiline ANDERSON
Birthdate: 20 Oct 1866
Birthplace: Nelsonville, OH
Death date: 5 Dec 1947
Place of death: Reno, Washoe Co, NV
Burial: Mt. View Cemetery, Reno, CA
Father: George Wilson Anderson
Mother: Ann Elizabeth WRIGHT


Child No. 1: Veda MACK
Sex: F
Birthdate: Bef 1888
Birthplace: Seneca, Nemaha Co, KS
Death date: Abt 1915
Place of death: Reno, Washoe Co, NV
Burial: Mt. View Cemetery, Reno, NV
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Effie Mona MACK
Sex: F
Birthdate: 25 Oct 1888
Birthplace: Seneca, Nemaha Co, KS
Death date: 1 Feb 1969
Place of death: Reno, Washoe Co, NV
Burial: Mt. View Cemetery, Reno, NV
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Anna Mae MACK
Sex: F
Birthdate: 27 Aug 1891
Birthplace: Seneca, Nemaha Co, KS
Death date: Aug 1953
Place of death: Hawthorne, NV
Marriage date: 3 Dec 1916
Marriage place: Salt Lake City, UT
Spouse's name: Fred WOOD, Sr

Child No. 4: Leon Anderson MACK
Sex: M
Birthdate: 23 Dec 1893
Birthplace: Seneca, Nemaha Co, KS
Death date: Bef 2000
Place of death: Reno, Washoe Co, NV
Burial: Mt. View Cemetery, Reno, NV
Marriage date: 9 Nov 1920
Marriage place: San Francisco, SF Co, CA
Spouse's name: Helene Irene SEEGER

Death Certificate from Placer Co, CA for Orel Henry Mack;
Biography of Orel Henry Mack from History of the Bench and Bar, Nevada, Edited by O'Brien, 1913;
FHLibray Film 2055312, item 6 of Mack Family Tree;
DAR Application for Membership # 321419 from Dr. Effie Mona Mack in 1953;
obituary of Dr. Effie Mona Mack 1 Feb 1969 in the Reno Evening Gazette;
Vertical file contents for Dr. Effie Mona Mack from Nevada Historical Society in Reno, NV;
Contact with children of Anna Mae Wood and Leon Anderson;
federal census of 1860 which lists the name of "Prillo H." as 2 years of age from E Randolf, Columbia Co, WI;
federal census from Reno, Washoe Co, NV listing the Mack family members in 1900, 1910, 1920 & 1930.

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