Montana Family Group Sheet for the Adam Whiteman Family

Husband: Adam WHITEMAN
Birthdate: 1873
Birthplace: Blackfeet Reservation, MT
Death date: 12/15/1954
Place of death: Browning, MT
Father: Whiteman
Mother: Many Buffalo Rocks

Marriage date:
Marriage place: Farmily, MT

Wife: Hannah "Annie" EVANS
Birthdate: 1879
Birthplace: Fort Benton, MT
Death date: 1/21/1971
Place of death: Browning, MT
Father: Hiram Evans
Mother: Strikes By Mistake


Child No. 1: Minnie Marie Whiteman
Sex: F
Birthdate: 5/31/1903
Birthplace: Blackfeet Reservation, MT
Death date: 3/19/1982
Place of death: Great Falls, MT
Marriage date: 10/18/1920
Marriage place: Family, MT
Spouse's name: William "Bill" Hall

Child No. 2: Agnes Whiteman
Sex: F
Birthdate: 5/1/1907
Birthplace: Blackfeet Reservation, MT
Death date: 1944
Place of death: Blackfeet Reservation, MT
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Aaron Racine

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