Montana Family Group Sheet for the Thomas John MADOLE Family

Husband: Thomas John MADOLE
Birthdate: Jan 23, 1917
Birthplace: Detroit, MI
Death date: Aug 21, 1991
Place of death: Williston, ND
Father: Harley MADOLE
Mother: Anna NEITZLE

Marriage date: Feb 28, 1944
Marriage place: Helena, MT

Wife: Lillian Emma KUDRNA
Birthdate: Mar 26, 1916
Birthplace: Southheart, ND
Death date: July 19, 1984
Place of death: Billings, MT
Father: Alois KUDRNA Jr.
Mother: Mary BREN


Child No. 1: Living
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1946
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Infant girl
Sex: f
Birthdate: 1947
Birthplace: Dickinson, ND
Death date: 1947
Place of death: Dickinson, ND
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Eugene Ronald MADOLE
Sex: m
Birthdate: Aug 16, 1948
Birthplace: Dickinson, ND
Death date: Jan 19, 2004
Place of death: Fargo, ND
Marriage date: Oct 7, 1967
Marriage place: Billings, MT
Spouse's name: Living
* Personal knowledge of submitter.
* Birth & Death Certificates of Thomas, Lillian and Eugene Madole.
* Army records of Thomas Madole.

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