MO Family Group Sheet for the John Newton Turley Family

Husband: John Newton TURLEY
Birthdate: 05-15-1898
Birthplace: Douglas County
Death date: July 12, 1973
Place of death: Smithton, MO
Burial: Smithton
Father: Earl Herd Turley
Mother: Aylsie Jane Coats

Marriage date: May 23, 1929 est
Marriage place: Raton, New Mexico

Wife: Alice Lillian KNUTH
Birthdate: 04-15-1915
Birthplace: Westcliffe, CO
Death date: 2001
Place of death: Sedalia, MO
Burial: Smithton
Father: Herbert Knuth
Mother: Minnie Henjes


Child No. 1: Arthur Blaine Turley
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1932
Death date: 2015
Place of death: Sedalia, MO
Burial: Smithton
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Raton, New Mexico
Spouse's name: Judith

Child No. 2: Herbert Rocknee Turley
Sex: m
Birthdate: 1935
Death date: 1992
Place of death: Kansas City, MO
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Renee
* WWII draft registration,
* Marriage license,
* Family Bible.

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