Louisiana Family Group Sheet for the Charles THOMPSON II Family

Husband: Charles THOMPSON II
Birthdate: June 30, 1774 - SC
Death date: November 1851 - Claiborne Parish, LA
father: Charles Thompson I
mother: Elizabeth

Marriage date: about 1804
Marriage place: ,,SC

Wife: Margaret CLARK
Birthdate: 1788 - NC or SC
Death date: after 1860 - Claiborne Parish, LA
father: William Clark


Child 1: Seaborn J. THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: 1805 ,Washington District, Georgia
Spouse: Jane Briden Mooreland
Marriage date: April 19, 1832 Lagrange, Troup, Georgia; Francis SMITH, November 2, 1826 Wilkes County, GA; Sallie THORNTON, July 26, 1863 Claiborne Parish LA
Death date: October 1876 Scottsville, Claiborne Parish, LA

Child 2: Louisa THOMPSON
sex: F
Birthdate: about 1897 , Washington District, GA
Marriage date:
Death date:

Child 3: Thomas B. THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: about 1809 Morgan County, GA
Spouse: Mary FINLEY
Marriage date: January 4, 1841 Greene County, GA
Death date:

Child 4: Hilliard Judge THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: 1813 Morgan County, GA
Spouse: Elizabeth SMITH
Marriage date: 1830 Newton County, GA
Death date: 1881 ,,Georgia

Child 5: Mary Ann THOMPSON
sex: F
Birthdate: 1816 Morgan Country, GA
Spouse: Anderson ORR
Marriage date: November 22, 1836 Walton County, GA
Death date: 1859 Junction City, Claiborne Parish, LA

Child 6: Martha Adeline THOMPSON
sex: F
Birthdate: about 1817 Morgan County, GA
Spouse: Rueben L. NASH
Marriage date: November 22, 1836 Walton County, GA
Death date: about 1841 Jackson County, GA

Child 7: John C. THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: 1820 Walton County, GA
Spouse: Mary S. FULLER
Marriage date: November 6, 1865 Claiborne Parish, LA
Death date:

Child 8: William H. THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: about 1821 Walton County, GA
Spouse: Paulina HARDMAN
Marriage date: July 30, 1845 Newton County, GA
Death date:

Child 9: Virgil Vivian THOMPSON
Sex: M
Birthdate: April 14, 1822 Walton County, GA
Spouse: Talitha C. SMITH
Marriage date: June 30, 1845 Jasper County GA
Death date: December 8, 1902 Claiborne Parish, LA

Child 10: Charles Jasper THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: 1829 Walton County, GA
Spouse: Amarintha Alice SMITH
Marriage date: December 14, 1842 Jasper County, GA
Death date: about April 1858 Claiborne Parish, LA

Child 11: Margaret J. THOMPSON
sex: F
Birthdate: 1830 Walton County, GA
Spouse: William NEYLAND
Marriage date: about 1848 Claiborne Parish, LA
Death date:

Child 12: Joseph Lafayette THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: 1831 Walton County, GA
Marriage date:
Death date:

Child 13: Robert E. THOMPSON
sex: M
Birthdate: 1834 Walton County, GA
Spouse: Maria L. BUSH
Marriage date: about 1870
Death date:

!BIRTH: Deed from William Thompson grandson of Thomas Thompson, son of Charles, to Tilman Bobo. D, 530. Union County SC. Page 195 from book, title unknown.
!Birth: D, 530, from a book on page 195.
William Thompson, son and heir at law to the real estate of my father Charles Thompson deceased, for 100 pounds sterling to Tilman Bobo, tract of 150 acres granted to my grandfather Thomas Thompson 14 Aug 1772 on north of Tyger River at Blackstocks ford adj. Charles Thompson, Absalom Langston, dated 10 Jan 1795. William Thomson (W) (LS) , Wit: John Anderson (1), Samuel Coson (S), Proved in Union County by the oath of John Anderson 12 June 1795 before John Martindale, J.P. recorded 10 March 1797.
!BIRTH: Biographical and Historic Memoirs of Claiborne Parish Louisiana page 78
!DEATH: Secession dated 2 Dec 1951. Was alive 26 Nov 1851 as testor for grandchildren.
* Charles died about November 1851 in Claiborne Parish Louisiana. Secession hearings were held on his estate to divide his property and settle his debts. Below are some of those papers typed as closely as legible.
    Minors of C. Thompson Petition for tutorship filed December 2, 1851 signed WT Cleveland Dy(Deputy) Clk Dist Court-State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne--To the Honorable the Clerk of the District Court of said parish and state. The petition of Margaret Clark a resident of said parish and state with respect represents to your Honor that she is the mother and natural tutor of Robert E. Thompson and Joseph Lafayette Thompson minor children issue of the marriage between her and Charles Thompson deceased. Wherefore she prays to be confirmed and qualified as natural tutor of said minors and that an under tutor for said minors be appointed. She swears that said minors have no property except the interest they have in the Estate and Secession of their father Charles Thompson dec'd and that said Secession is unsettled and it will be impossible to ascertain their share until the same is settled. She prays for general relief. Signed, Andrew Lawson Atty for petitioner.
    Order State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne. It is ordered that the prayer of the foregoing petition be granted that Margaret Clark widow of Charles Thompson late of said parish and state be confirmed as natural tutor of her minor children issue of her marriage with said Charles Thompson deceased, to wit. Robert E. Thompson and Joseph Lafayette Thompson, provided she takes the oath required by law. It is further ordered that John C. Milner be appointed under tutor for said minors provided he takes the oath required under law. Signed on this 23rd day December AD 1851. Signed CC Coper Clk Dist Court.
    Oath of tutor filed Dec 29 1851 signed WC Coper Clk Dist Court-State of Louisiana, Parish of Claiborne. I the undersigned do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me by law as natural tutor of my minor children issue of my marriage with Charles Thompson deceased to wit, Robert E. Thompson and Joseph Lafayette Thompson according to the best of my knowledge and abilities. So help me God. Signed Margaret Thompson Sworn to and witnessed before me this 27th day of Dec AD 1851. Signed AC Barber Justice of the Peace.
    Oath of under Tutor Filed Dec 29, 1851, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne-I the undersigned do solemnly swear that I will perform all the incumbent on me by law of under tutor for Robert E and Joseph Lafayette Thompson minors issue of the marriage between Charles Thompson late of the parish of Claiborne dec'd and Margaret Clark widow? to the best of my knowledge and duties so help me God. Signed John Milner Sworn to and signed before me this 27th day of Dec AD 1851. Signed AC Baker Justice of the peace.
    Letters of Tutorship, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne District Court-Whereas Margaret Clark widow of Charles Thompson Dec'd has been confirmed natural tutor of her minor children Robert E. Thompson and Joseph Lafayette Thompson issue of her marriage with said Charles Thompson of said parish and state dec'd and taken oath as prescribed under law. Now therefore this said Margaret Clark widow of Charles Thompson dec'd is hereby fully authorized and empowered to do and preform all and singular the duties incumbent in her in said capacity. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand affixed the seal of my office this 29th day of December A.D. 1851. Signed CC Capy? Clerk
    Letters of under tutor, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne District Court-Whereas John C. Wilner has been appointed under tutor for Robert E. and Joseph Lafayette Thompson minors issue of the marriage between Margaret Clark and Charles Thompson of said parish and state and taken oath as prescribed by law. Now Therefore the said John C. Wilner is hereby fully authorized and empowered to do and perform all and singular the duties incumbent on him in said capacity. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office this 29th day of December A.D. 1851. Signed WC Capers Clerk.
January 1854 I hereby certify the forgoing to be a true record.
HJ Cleveland dy of Dist Court.
    Secession of C Thompson for adm filed Dec 2, 1851 WT Cleveland Dy Clk of Dist Court, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne-To the Honorable the Clerk of the District Court of said parish and State. The petitioner of Virgil V. Thompson of said parish and state, with respect represents unto your Honor that Charles Thompson his father also resident of said parish and state departed this life leaving a considerable estate and secession in this parish that your petitioner is an heir at law of said secession that there is no administrator of said estate that a part of the heirs an present in the state and some of them are absent from this state that there are two minors heirs that this mother and natural tutorship is present in the state. Petitioner represents that it is necessary that there be an administration upon said secession. That hears? me of the heirs of said deceased is entitled to the administration of said estate. Now therefore he prays to be appointed administrator of said estate and secession that an inventory of the same be made according to law and for general relief Signed Andrew Lawson petitioner's atty
    Order, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne. It is ordered that proper notice of the filing of the forgoing petition be given according to law. It is further ordered that an inventory and appraisement of all the property belonging to the estate and secession of Charles Thompson late of the parish of Claiborne Dec'd be made according to law by the recording of any Notary Public of said parish and state. Ordered? and signed this 10th day of December AD 1851 WC Cleveland Clk Dist Court.
    Order, State of Louisiana parish of Claiborne-It is ordered that N L Currier ESQ be appointed the attorney for absent heirs of Charles Thompson dec'd. Sworn and signed this 10th day of Dec AD 1851 WC Capers? Clk Dist Court. (absent heirs did not live in the Parish)
    Order, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne-Due notice of the proper filing of the within petition having been given according to law and no opposition having been given made it is therefore ordered that the prayer of the same be granted that Virgil V. Thompson be appointed administrator of the estate and secession of Charles Thompson late of the parish of Claiborne secession provided he gives bond with good security and takes the oath as required by law. Sworn and signed this 29th day of December AD 1851 signed WC Capers Clk Dist Court.
    Bond Adm filed Dec 29, 1851-Know all men by these presents that we Virgil V. Thompson as principal and John C. Blackman and John C. Thompson as security are held and firmly bound unto W C Caper Clk Dist Court in and for the parish of Claiborne Louisiana unto his secession in office for the relief and benefit of the legal heirs and representatives of Charles Thompson deceased, whereas the above guardian Virgil V. Thompson has been appointed by the District Court of the parish of Claiborne, administrator of the secession of Charles Thompson late of Parish of Claiborne State of Louisiana. therefore in the completion of the above obligation is such that of the said Virgil Thompson shall will and faithfully discharge and perform all the duties of said appointment according to law, then the above obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue signed VV Thompson John C Blackman, JC Thompson.
    Order of adm, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne-I the undersigned do solemnly swear forever that I will faithfully and impartial discharge and preform all the duties incumbent on me by law as administrator of the secession of Charles Thompson of the parish of Claiborne deceased according to the best of my knowledge and abilities so help me God. VV Thompson given to and subscribed before me these 29th day of Dec AD 1851 WC Capers Clk Dist Court.
    Letter of Admin, State of Louisiana parish of Claiborne District Court-Whereas Virgil V. Thompson has been appointed administrator of the estate and secession of Charles Thompson of said parish and state deceased and given bond and security and taken oath as prescribed by law. Know therefore, the said Virgil V. Thompson is hereby fully authorized and empowered to do and perform all and singular the duties incumbent on him in said capacity. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 29th day of Dec AD 1851. WC Capers Clk.
    Petition for sale of property of secession in filed Jan 2 1851 WC Capers Clk Dist Court, State of Louisiana parish of Claiborne-To the honorable the clerk of the District Court of said parish and state. The petition of Virgil V. Thompson administrator of the estate and secession of Charles Thompson late of said parish and state dec'd with respect represents unto your honor that said estate is considerably indebted that it will be necessary to pay the debts to sell all the personal property belonging to said secession and the plantation and land whereon the deceased lived and a part of the slaves to pay the same whereupon petitioner prays your honor to grant him and order to sell the land personal property and as many of the slaves as will be sufficient to pay the debts. He prays that the cotton crop be sold for cash and that the land be sold for cash provided it brings its appraised value otherwise on a credit of twelve months purchases to give noted and good personal security with mortgage on the lands and slaves sold bearing eight percent interest from now until paid and that the heirs present have notice of this application and that the counsel for absent heirs have notice of this application and for general relief. A. Lawson atty for petitioner VV Thompson Anderson Orr William Neyland CJ Thompson.
    Service, I hereby acknowledge service of the within petition and wave citation and time and concur with the prayer of the petitioner this Dec 24, Twenty fourth day of December 1851. JC Thompson Margaret H. Thompson for myself and two minor children R.E. and J.C. Thompson Anderson Orr, William Neyland. Jno. C. Wilner(Milner?) under tutor of Lafayette and Robert Thompson Chas J. Thompson Margaret Thompson.
    Order, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne-It is ordered that the prayer of the within petition be granted, that the plantation belonging to Charles Thompson deceased all the personal property and as any of the slaves belonging to said secession as will be sufficient to pay the debts of said secession be sold, that the cotton and corn be sold for cash that the land be sold as cash provided it brings its appraised value otherwise in a credit of twelve months purchases to give notice and good personal security with mortgage on the land and slaves sold, bearing eight percent interest from and until paid. This ordered? and signed on this 23? day of January AD 1852 WC Capers Clk Dist Court.
    Statement of debts filed 25 May 1852 Dyner? C T Cleveland DY Clk Dist Court, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne-To the Honorable the Judge of the seventeenth judicial District court in and for said parish and state. The petition of Virgil V. Thompson a resident of said parish and state and administrator of the estate of Charles Thompson late of said parish and state deceased, with respect represents to your Honor that the following is a list of the debts owned by said deceased which have been presented and allowed your petitioner was that a part of the debts of said dec'd and a part of them are debts due and owing by him as a partner in Community with his wife and now widow Margaret Clark all of which will be fully set forth herein. That said Margaret Clark has accepted the community existing between her and said deceased, to wit, Separate and individual debts due by said Charles Thompson dec'd.
    A debt due to Virgil V. Thompson by note ? of ? 2,468.48 with 5 percent from 18th Nov 1851.
    A debt due to Margaret Clark Principal 2,678.85 with 5 percent from the 18th Nov 1851
    The following is a list of the debts owed in community with said Charles Thompson deceased and his wife Margaret Clark to wit.
A debt due to Dr. JL Bush by ac 26.60
Dr. JC Wilner by ac 22.50
AandW L Spriars by ac 11.65
Klur? and Co by ac 12.25
Pratt Taylor and Co by ac 5.48
Nelson J Scott by ac 25.75
Samuel Miller and Co by ac 226.40
Dr McKeller by ac 40.00
Hightower by ac 20.00
|B Lawson by ac 30.00
C Kindall Carter by ac 30.00 with 5 % interest from 18th Nov 1851
FF Folger and Co by ac 45.00
with 5 % interest from 18th Nov 1851
C Frebron and Co by ac 449.28
with 5 % interest from 18th Nov 1851
Virgil V. Thompson by ac 20.00
with 5 % interest from 18th Nov 1851
John C. Thompson by ac 1,500.00
with 5 % interest from 18th Nov 1851
    Your petitioner further advises that the aforesaid debts have been presented to your petitioner and acknowledged and allowed by him wherefore he presents them to your Honor and prays that they be ranked amongst the acknowledged debts of the said deceased, and prays your Honor to grant him an order authorizing him to pay them. He prays this state of debts be homologated and approved by your Honor. He prays for general relief. Signed Lawson and Fuller attys for petitioner.
    Order, By reason of the application to have the aforementioned debts ranked amongst the acknowledged debts of Charles Thompson deceased and by reason of the application of the administration Virgil V. Thompson to be authorized to pay them and by reason of the law, It is ordered that said debts be ranked amongst the acknowledged debts of said Charles Thompson dec'd and his secession and that the administration be authorized to by them this done and signed in open court this 25th day of May AD 1851. Signed Chas A Bullard Judge 16th District.
    Petition for homologation, State of Louisiana Parish of Claiborne-I the Honorable the Judge of Clerk of the Seventeenth Judicial District in and for the parish and state aforesaid, The petition of Virgil V. Thompson Admn of the estate of Charles
    Thompson deceased a resident of said parish and state with respect represents to your Honor that the following is a true and correct account of his administration of said estate. the estate and secession of Charles Thompson deceased in account with Virgil V. Thompson. The estate and secession of Charles Thompson To Virgil V. Thompson Admn
(all amount paid)
Virgil V. Thompson admn voucher No 1 2468.48
interest 5th Feb 1852 at 5% 25.86 2494.34
Margaret Clark voucher No 2 2678.85
interest 5% from 18th Nov 1851 27.68 2706.53
Dr J L Bush No 3 26.60
Dr J C Wilbur 4 22.50
AandW L Spears 5 16.65
Renk 7 Co 6 12.25
Pratt Taylor 7 5.48
Nelson Scott 8 25.75
C F Largent 9 226.40
Samuel Miller 10 41.05
Hytower?? 11 23.10
B Stevens 12 30.00
Kindall Carter 13 832.40
interest from 18th Nov 1851 8.89 841.35
F F Folger 14 45.00
interest .47 45.47other(see page 216 for details) 29.00
C Fullson 15 449.28
interest 4.70 453.98
V V Thompson 16 20.51
Aaron Day 25 3.75
John Thompson 17 1500.00
interest 15.75 1515.75
Wm C Capers 18
Harrison, editor of Claiborne Advocate 19.00
Administrator 2 1/2% of inventory $10277.50 256.93
Andrew Lawson 20 100.00
A C Hill 21 37.70
J J Wilard? 22 40.00
C J Thompson 23 27.38
B J Harrison 24 15.00
W C Capers Clk 27 58.60
The Estate of Secession of Charles Thompson
By amount of net proceeds of sales of cotton $1053.47
By net proceeds of separate property 6429.50
By whole amount that the community property sold in half which will belong to Margaret Clark 2725.00
By the following debts owed to Charles in Community property with Margaret Clark whole amount herein credited in half of which belongs to Margaret Clark
To amount collected from:
J C Bush 28.00
C J Thompson 33.98
T W Smith 11.40
W W Thornton 2.87
M Crow 17.77
by cash from deceased 1.00
J C Williams 7.50
from ? 215.64
William Neyland 7.35
Total amount to debt reduction 9075.26
Add amount of Acct of VV Thompson omitted above $93.00
Total Bal to credit $157.22
    Petitioner represents that the forgoing contains a true and correct account of his administration of the estate of Charles Thompson deceased leaving a balance in favor of the estate fifteen hundred and seventy four dollars and 22/100. He represents that said estate has and been fully administrated for and ? to pay the debts thereof acceding to the foregoing statement therefore he prays that the same be affirmed and homologated and that he be discharged from his administration of said estate. He prays for general relief as to this end that the heirs of the estate be cited to appear and answer hereto Margaret J. Neyland wife of William Neyland and her said husband, Charles J. Thompson, Mary Ann Orr, wife of Anderson Orr, and her said husband, John C. Thompson and Mrs. Margaret Thompson in person, and J. L. and Robb E Thompson through their natural tutor Mrs. Margaret Thompson all the foregoing residents of Claiborne Parish, and the absent heirs through Nath. S. Currier their attorney. He further prays for all other necessary orders. Signed VV Thompson by his attorney A Lawson and W B Egan.
    Acknowledged service? of the forgoing petition and account and wave citation and time and copy of petition and account. July 9th 1852. signed Margaret J. Neyland, William Neyland, Chas J. Thompson, Mary Ann Orr, Anderson Orr, J. C. Thompson, Margaret Thompson natural tutor of for J. L. and R. E. Thompson, N. S. Currier Atty for absent heirs January 1854. I certify the foregoing to be a true record. W. L. Cleveland Dy Clk Dist Court

Seaborn J. THOMPSON:
!BIRTH: Census 1920 Coleman Co TX said father born at sea. That was not true. All other
records say South Carolina or Georgia.
!Census 1850 Troup Co GA
!Census 1860 Newton MS page 714 line 153
!DEATH: Census 1870 Claiborne LA
!MARRIAGE: Record of Troup county marriages
BIRTH: Edward, his son, said Seaborn was born at sea. That was not true. It was a joke
from the name "Seaborn".
!Joel Smith Bible
!DEATH: Probate papers Claiborne Parish Louisianna
!BIRTH: His father lived in Washington County Georgia in 1807. Seaborn born in 1804
before Morgan county was formed.

!BIRTH: Biographical and Historic Memoirs of Claiborne Parish Louisiana page78

Hilliard Judge THOMPSON:
!BIRTH: Biographical and Historic Memoirs of Claiborne Parish Louisiana page78 IGI for name
GRS CD for Name, marriages
Census 1850 Walton GA
!MARRIAGE: GRS CD miscallenous marriage and death records
!MARRIAGE: GRS CD miscallenous marriage and death records IGI file
!DEATH: Notes of Pat Thompson

!BIRTH: Census 1850 Claiborne LA
!DEATH: Notes of Linda Hart

!BIRTH: 1830 Walton Co GA census
!BIRTH: Slave Bill of Sale Jackson GA about 1841

!BIRTH: Biographical and Historic Memoirs of Claiborne Parish Louisiana page78 Census
1850 Claiborne LA
Census 1860 Claiborne LA

William H., Virgil V.,Charles J., Margaret J., Joseph L., and Robert E. THOMPSON:
!BIRTH: Biographical and Historic Memoirs of Claiborne Parish Louisiana page78 Census
1850 Claiborne Louisiana and various other censuses in GA.

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