Iowa Family Group Sheet for the Lucius Franklin BRISTOL Family

Husband: Lucius Franklin BRISTOL
Birthdate: June 17, 1843
Birthplace: Bristol, Kenosha Co., Wisconsin
Death date: April 17, 1920
Place of death: Shell Rock, Butler Co., Iowa
Father: Lester Shepard BRISTOL
Mother: Anzolette CLELAND

Marriage date: 1867
Marriage place: Wisconsin

Wife: Abigail Lucretia OLMSTED
Birthdate: September 19, 1847
Birthplace: New York state
Death date: May 26, 1880
Place of death: Shell Rock, Butler Co., Iowa
Father: Samuel Alpha OLMSTED
Mother: Ruth CARPENTER


Child No. 1: Edith A. BRISTOL
Sex: F
Birthdate: June 3, 1869
Birthplace: Clinton, Rock Co., Wisconsin
Death date: January 15, 1943
Place of death: Bakersfield, Kern Co., California
Marriage date: December 1898
Marriage place: Clinton, Rock County, Wisconsin
Spouse's name: Wilson Elwood PROBERT

Child No. 2: Ella M. BRISTOL
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 13, 1876
Birthplace: Shell Rock, Butler Co., Iowa
Death date: April 17, 1947
Place of death:
Marriage date: Feb. 21, 1891
Marriage place: Iowa?
Spouse's name: Arthur Levi DEWEY

Child No. 3: Infant Son BRISTOL
Sex: M
Birthdate: April 21, 1880
Birthplace: Shell Rock, Butler Co., Iowa
Death date: April 21, 1880
Place of death: Shell Rock, Butler Co., Iowa
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Family records.
California death records index.
Iowa cemetery records.
U.S. Census Records 1850 - 1880, and 1900 - 1930.
Bristol family genealogy (from Bristol Family Association).
Olmstead family genealogy.

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