Idaho Family Group Sheet for the Cornelius Washington SWEANEY Family

Husband: Cornelius Washington SWEANEY
Birthdate: 9 Jan 1830
Birthplace: Butler County, Pennsylvania
Death date: 15 Feb 1899
Place of death: Belvidere, Nebraska
Father: James SWEANEY
Mother: Rosanna

Marriage date: 15 Jan 1872
Marriage place: Savannah, Missouri

Wife: Mary Anne CULP
Birthdate: 20 Dec 1850
Birthplace: Savannah, Missouri
Death date: 11 Oct 1881
Place of death: Skidmore, Missouri
Father: Nathan Elias CULP
Mother: Mildred Susan WILSON


Child No. 1: Susan Rebecca SWEANEY
Sex: F
Birthdate: 26 Nov 1872
Birthplace: Council Bluffs, Iowa
Death date: 22 Nov 1961
Place of death: Nampa, Idaho
Marriage date: 1. 3 Oct 1898 2. 9 Dec 1903 3. unk
Marriage place: 1. Boise, Idaho 2. Boise, Idaho 3. unk
Spouse's name: 1. Ulysses S. CHARTIER 2. Otis A. LONG 3. ??? WILLIAMS

Child No. 2: Etta May SWEANEY
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1 May 1875
Birthplace: Council Bluffs, Idaho
Death date: 24 Apr 1956
Place of death: Vancouver, Washington
Marriage date: unk
Marriage place: unk
Spouse's name: Stephen F


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