Georgia Family Group Sheet for the Willoughby SPARKS Family

Husband: Willoughby SPARKS (1,2,3,4)
Birthdate: 1802
Birthplace: , Clarke, Georgia, USA (5)
Death date: 1858/1862
Place of death: , , Texas, USA
Father: Absalom SPARKS (Abt 1771-After 1825)
Mother: Lydia ELSBERRY (Abt 1774-????)
Other spouses:

Marriage date: Cir 1824
Marriage place: , , Arkansas, USA

Wife: Mary BOATWRIGHT (6,7,8,9)
Birthdate: 1810
Birthplace: , Gallatin, Illinois, USA (10,11)
Death date: Aft 1861
Place of death: , , Texas, USA
Burial: Hill Cemetery, Parker County, Texas
Father: Thomas BOATWRIGHT (Abt 1760-Abt 1833) (12)
Mother: Amy RUSHING (Abt 1775-Bef 1839) (13,14)
Other spouses: HARRELL (Abt 1800-????) (6) Cir 1823


Child No. 1: Levi SPARKS (15)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1825 -
Birthplace: , Miller, Arkansas, USA (16,17,18)
Death date: Deceased
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names:

Child No. 2: SPARKS (19)
Sex: F
Birthdate: cir 1825/1830
Birthplace: , , Arkansas, USA (20,21)
Death date: Deceased
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names: NELSON (Abt 1822-????)

Child No. 3: SPARKS
Sex: F
Birthdate: cir 1825/1830
Birthplace: , , Arkansas, USA (21)
Death date: Deceased
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names:

Child No. 4: William SPARKS (22,23)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 1833
Birthplace: , , Arkansas, USA (24,25)
Death date: Deceased
Place of death:
Marriage date: Abt 1856
Marriage place: , , Texas, USA
Spouses' names: Martha A ERSKINE (1830-????) (26,27)

Child No. 5: SPARKS
Sex: F
Birthdate: cir 1830/1835
Birthplace: , , Arkansas, USA (28)
Death date: Deceased
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names:

Child No. 6: Tillman SPARKS (29)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 24 Jul 1837
Birthplace: , Hot Spring, Arkansas, USA (30,31,32)
Death date: 23 Oct 1912
Place of death: , Parker, Texas, USA
Burial: Hill Cemetery, Parker County, Texas
Marriage date: 13 May 1861
Marriage place: , Falls, Texas, USA (36)
Spouses' names: Elsie PEAVEYHOUSE (1845-1919) (33,34,35)

Child No. 7: Molly SPARKS (37)
Sex: F
Birthdate: cir 1835/1840
Birthplace: , , Arkansas, USA (38,39)
Death date: Deceased
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouses' names: Did Not Marry

Child No. 8: Clarinda SPARKS (40)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1840
Birthplace: , , Tennessee, USA (41)
Death date: Bef 1881
Place of death: , , Texas, USA
Marriage date: 2 Sep 1856
Marriage place: , Falls, Texas, USA (43)
Spouses' names: James D ERSKINE (1829-After 1899) (42)

Child No. 9: Nancy C SPARKS (44)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1843
Birthplace: , , Texas, USA (45)
Death date: Abt 1870
Place of death:
Marriage date: 1862
Marriage place: , Parker, Texas, USA
Spouses' names: Wesley C THOMPSON (1840-1885) (46)

Child No. 10: Bailey Milton SPARKS (47)
Sex: M
Birthdate: Jan 1847
Birthplace: , , Tennessee, USA (48)
Death date: 27 Jan 1931
Place of death: , Wise, Texas, USA
Burial: Eastside Cemetery, Wise County, Texas
Marriage date: [1] 17 Aug 1882 [2] 1895
Marriage place: [1] , Johnson, Texas, USA (51) [2] , Falls, Texas, USA (55)
Spouses' names: [1] Julia ANTLEY (1864-1887) (49,50) [2] Samantha PHILLIPS (1849-1918) (52,53,54)

Child No. 11: John SPARKS (56,57,58)
Sex: M
Birthdate: 7 Oct 1847
Birthplace: , , Texas, USA (59,60,61,62)
Death date: 13 Dec 1925
Place of death: Groesbeck, Limestone, Texas, USA (63,64)
Burial: Thornton Cemetery, Limestone County, Texas
Marriage date: 29 Dec 1870
Marriage place: , Falls, Texas, USA (67,68)
Spouses' names: Rebecca Ann BROWN (1855-1953) (65,66)

Child No. 12: Rachel Ann SPARKS (69,70,71)
Sex: F
Birthdate: 7 Apr 1852
Birthplace: , Parker, Texas, USA (69,72,73)
Death date: 17 Feb 1930
Place of death: , Young, Texas, USA (71)
Burial: Hill Cemetery, Parker County, Texas
Marriage date: 3 Oct 1867
Marriage place: , Parker, Texas, USA
Spouses' names: Cordon Wesley SMETHERS (1848-1929) (74,75)
  1. Sparks Family Assn, Sparks Family Association Quarterly, Willoughby Sparks. This quarterly was published for almost 50 years.
  2. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. Willibo Sparks.
  3. Death Certificate, Smithers, Mrs Rachel #11234. William Sparks.
  4. 1840 Federal Census, Arkansas, Hot Spring, pg 156. Willoby Sparks.
  5. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 47, Georgia.
  6. Sparks Family Assn, Sparks Family Association Quarterly, Willoughby Sparks. Mary Harrell.
  7. Vernone, Tracy Ross, Mary Boatright. Mary Boatright.
  8. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. Mary Sparks.
  9. Death Certificate, Smithers, Mrs Rachel #11234. Boatwright.
  10. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 40, Illinois.
  11. 1840 Federal Census, Arkansas, Hot Spring, pg 156. 1 female, age 20-30.
  12. Vernone, Tracy Ross, Thomas Boatright.
  13. Kennedy, Annaliese Lillard, The Lillard/Kennedy Family Home Page, Amy Rushing.
  14. Vernone, Tracy Ross, Amy Rushing.
  15. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. Levi Sparks.
  16. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 25, Arkansas.
  17. 1830 Federal Census, Arkansas, Pope, pg 171. 1 male, 5-10 years old.
  18. 1840 Federal Census, Arkansas, Hot Spring, pg 156. 1 male, 10-15 years old.
  19. Sparks Family Assn, Sparks Family Association Quarterly, Unknown Sparks.
  20. Sparks Family Assn, Sparks Family Association Quarterly, Unknown Sparks. 1830-1835.
  21. 1830 Federal Census, Arkansas, Pope, pg 171. 2 female, 0-5 years old.
  22. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 179B, hh #369. William Sparks.
  23. Death Certificate, Camp, Laura E #8694. William Sparks.
  24. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 179B, hh #369. age 17, Arkansas.
  25. 1840 Federal Census, Arkansas, Hot Spring, pg 156. 1 male, 5-10 years old.
  26. Death Certificate, Camp, Laura E #8694. Martha Erskine.
  27. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, ED 93, pg 46 (336B). M A Hodges.
  28. 1840 Federal Census, Arkansas, Hot Spring, pg 156. 1 female, 5-10 years old.
  29. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. Tilman Sparks.
  30. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 13, Arkansas.
  31. 1840 Federal Census, Arkansas, Hot Spring, pg 156. 1 male, 0-5 years old.
  32. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Parker, ED 79, pg 4B. age 62, Jul 1837, Arkansas.
  33. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 379A. Elsey Pevahouse.
  34. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Eastland, ED 174, pg (315D). Elcy Sparks.
  35. Death Certificate, Sparks, James Richard #45280. Elsie Peveyhouse.
  36. Texas Marriages, 1837-1973 (FamilySearch. org), Sparks, Tillman. to Alcy Peavehouse. They had been living together since about Dec 1859. (See 1860 Census).
  37. Sparks Family Assn, Sparks Family Association Quarterly, Molly Sparks.
  38. Sparks Family Assn, Sparks Family Association Quarterly, Molly Sparks. 1835-1840.
  39. 1840 Federal Census, Arkansas, Hot Spring, pg 156. 1 female, 0-5 years old.
  40. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. Clarinda Sparks.
  41. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 9, Tennessee. This census copy says this child was born in Tennessee, it would be interesting to see what the original says. I believe it says Texas. There is no indication that Mary went to Tennessee to have her children.
  42. Texas Marriages, 1837-1973 (FamilySearch. org), Erskine, James D. to Clairina Sparks.
  43. Texas Marriages, 1837-1973 (FamilySearch. org), Erskine, James D. to Clairina Sparks, 2 Sep 1856, Falls County.
  44. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. Nancy C Sparks.
  45. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 7, Tennessee. This census copy says this child was born in Tennessee, it would be interesting to see what the original says. I believe it says Texas. There is no indication that Mary went to Tennessee to have her children.
  46. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Eastland, ED 174, pg (314A). Wesley C Thompson.
  47. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. Bayley M Sparks.
  48. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 3, Tennessee.
  49. Texas Marriages, 1837-1973 (FamilySearch. org), Sparks, B M. to Julia Antley.
  50. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Johnson, ED 85, pg (359A). Julia Antley.
  51. Texas Marriages, 1837-1973 (FamilySearch. org), Sparks, B M. to Julia Antley, 17 Aug 1882, Johnson County.
  52. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Palo Pinto, ED 122, pg 14A. Mandy Sparks.
  53. 1910 Federal Census, Texas, Wise, ED 263, pg 13A. Samantha Sparks.
  54. Death Certificate, Camp, Thomas Jack #51562. Samantha Phillips.
  55. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Palo Pinto, ED 122, pg 14A. married 5 years.
  56. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, ED 65, pg 17A. John Sparks.
  57. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. John Sparks.
  58. Death Certificate, Sparks, John #44188.
  59. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, ED 65, pg 17A. Oct 1844, age 55, Texas.
  60. Thornton Cemetery, Limestone County, Texas, John Sparks. 1847.
  61. Death Certificate, Sparks, John #44188. 7 Oct 1844, Limestone County.
  62. 1850 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, pg 785 (379A), d/f #369/369. age 1, Tennessee. This census copy says this child was born in Tennessee, it would be interesting to see what the original says. I believe it says Texas. There is no indication that Mary went to Tennessee to have her children.
  63. Pension File, Sparks, Mrs Rebecca #46649. "I am a widow of John Sparks deceased, who departed this life on (or about) the 13 day of Nov (Dec), A. D. 1870 in the County of Limestone in the State of Texas." "13th day of December, A. D. 1925." This record has a lot of cross-outs and corrections.
  64. Death Certificate, Sparks, John #44188. 13 Dec 1925, Groesbeck, Limestone, Texas.
  65. 1900 Federal Census, Texas, Limestone, ED 65, pg 17A. Rebecca A Sparks.
  66. Death Certificate, Sparks, Rebecca Ann #15148.
  67. Pension File, Sparks, Mrs Rebecca #46649. 29 Dec 1870, Limestone County.
  68. Texas County Marriage Records, 1837-1965 (FamilySearch. org), Sparks, John. to Rebecca Brown, 29 Dec 1870, Falls County.
  69. Sparks Family Assn, Sparks Family Association Quarterly, Rachel Ann Sparks.
  70. Death Certificate, Smithers, Fannie Lee #20296. Rachel Ann Sparks.
  71. Death Certificate, Smithers, Mrs Rachel #11234.
  72. Death Certificate, Smithers, John Wesley #59194. Texas.
  73. Death Certificate, Smithers, Mrs Rachel #11234. 7 Apr 1852, Texas.
  74. Death Certificate, Smithers, John Wesley #59194. Corden W Smithers.
  75. 1880 Federal Census, Texas, Parker, ED 138, pg 30 (454B). Cordon W Smethers.

* I have a lot of doubts about this line even though three Sparks married Boatwrights.

* Parker Co TX, Land

* "A great many years ago, two great-grandchildren of Willoughby and Polly (Harrell) Sparks, Frank Sparks and Segonia (Sparks) Pritchett, found Mary's (Polly's) grave in Hills Cemetery. It had a headstone marker then which read "Polly Sparks, 1813." When they revisited the cemetery the following year for the purpose of replacing the marker, someone had removed it. "Hill Cemetery is in Parker County, TX. It is off of I-20 on Gilbert Pit Road. Go down the road past the gravel pit and the cattle guard. It is on the right back off the road." [George Boatright,] [This stone is still in the cemetery.]

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Last Modified: 23 Oct 2019

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