Georgia Family Group Sheet for the William M. BROWN Family
Husband: William M. [Merritt?] BROWN
Birthdate: 1805
Birthplace: Greene Co. Ga.
Death date: 29 Apr. 1870
Place of death: Americus,Sumter,Ga. (Lived Marion)
Father: Ezekiel Brown
Mother: Elizabeth Merritt
Other spouses: Mrs. Anne E. Rawls
Marriage date: 15 Jul 1824
Marriage place: Greene Co. Ga.
Wife: Amanda E. GRAY
Birthdate: 25 Sep 1809
Birthplace: Ga
Death date: 6 Sep. 1867
Place of death:
Burial: Gray-Harris Cemetery, Taylor Co. Ga. off 19 N
Father: Archibald Gray
Mother: Cynthia Armour
Other spouses:
Child No. 1: George A. Brown
Birthdate: 1826 Greene Co. Ga.
Spouses' names: [1] Julia P. Raines [2] At least one more- Loretta J. Daniel
Marriage date: [1] 13 May 1847 Crawford Co. Ga.
Death date: 1879 AMericus, Sumter, Ga.
Child No. 2: Emily Amanda Brown
Birthdate: 22 May 1828 Crawford Co. Ga.
Spouses' names: Thomas Abercrombie Raines Medical Director of Ga
Marriage date: 2 Oct. 1845 Crawford Co. Ga.
Death date: 16 Aug 1887 Taylor Co. Ga.
Burial: Gray-Harris Cemetery, Taylor, off 19N
Child No. 3: William A. J. "Jack" Brown CSA Col./Lawyer
Birthdate: 1830 Crawford Co. Ga.
Spouses' names: Sarah Magarette Shelton
Marriage date: 18 Aug 1850 Talbot Co. Ga.
Death date: 1891 Washington, D.C.
Child No. 4: James Franklin Brown Lawyer
Birthdate: 1832 Ga
Spouses' names: Anna Elizabeth Henderson
Marriage date: abt 1855
Death date: aft 1883
Child No. 5: Mary Elizabeth Brown
Birthdate: 26 May 1834 Crawford Co. Ga.
Spouses' names: Dr. William J. Reese
Marriage date: 16 Jun 1847
Death date: 13 Jun 1892 Buena Vista, Marion, Ga.
Burial: City Cemetery same
Child No. 6: Reuben "Rube" Brown
Birthdate: 1836 Crawford Co. Ga.
Spouses' names: Edie L. Woodew
Marriage date:
Death date: 9 Jul 1907
Burial: City Cemetery, Buena Vista, Mairon, Ga.
Child No. 7: Mary Eugenia Nesbitt Brown
Birthdate: 1839 Crawford Co. Ga.
Spouses' names: William H. Winfrey Drane CSA/Doctor
Marriage date: 16 Jun 1859, Marion, Ga.
Death date: 16 Jun 1859 , Marion Co. Ga.
Child No. 8: Cynthia Ann Gray Brown
Birthdate: 1842 Crawford Co. Ga.
Spouses' names: William Henderson (Of Bullock Co. Ga.)
Marriage date:
Death date: Sylvania, Ga.
* 1820 Census Greene Co. Ga. 1830-40 Census Crawford Co. Ga.
* 1850-60 Census Marion Co. Ga. 1870 Death Index Marion Co. Ga.
* 1835 States Rights Convention Deligate Ga. Journal Vol. 4 1829-1835.
* 1836 Gov. Comm. Capt. Wm . M. Brown 1837 HISTORY OF GA. MILITIA Vol. 4 Crawford Guards.
* 1848 Admin. Father-in-law Crawford Co. Nov. Term.
* 1848 Marion Co. Senator (Sen. & Rep. 1827-1996).
* 1851 Constitutional Union Convention-Milledgeville Deligate.
* 1869-US CONGRESS Joint Select committee on the conditions of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States Report of the joint select committee appt. to inquire into the condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary states so far as regards the execution of the laws, and the safety of the lives and property.
* 1870 May 13 Page. 13-Tri-Weekly Republican-Americus, Ga. May 17, 1870 Tuesday Morning
Tribute of Respect for Col. WM. M. Brown Americus, Ga. 5-13-1870
At a meeting of Americus Lodge F.A.M. the undersigned were appointed a committee to draft such resolution as would express their bereavement, consequent on the death of our brother, Col. William M. Brown. In compliance therewith we submit the following. Report:
Col. William M. Brown was a resident of Marion County, and died suddenly in Americus on the morning of the 29th of April 1870, in the 63rd year of his age. The death of our brother was a sad and mysterious one, the cause of which is known only to the great "I AM". Within a few yours of his death he was in the vigor of Manhood, but death suddenly laid his icy cold hands upon him, and claimed him as his own. Though he was not permitted by Providence to breathe his last in the Peaceful abode of his own loved home, or be surrounded by his affectionate companion an dloving daughters, yet we have the colsolation of knowing that he was attended in his last momemts by his two sons and a large number of sorrowing friends and mystic breathren. The character of Col. Brown was strongly marked by a strict integrity in all his business relations. He was firm in his attachments and candid in the expression of his sentiments upon all subjects. He was a high-toned generous gentleman, geniel companion and useful citizen. His loss is a great calamity, not only to the section of the country where his lot was cast, but to the entire State. The famiy and community feel that thy have sustained an irreparagle loss in the death of Col. WIlliam M. Brown- a void not easily filled.
In testimony of our respect as members of the Americus Lodge, for the rare qualities of head and heart of our friend and brother, be it therefore.
Resolved, That while we bow with submission to the divine will of our heavenly father in removing from our midst our much esteemed friend and brother, and mourn with hearts full of sorrow, we can but exclaim, "Thy will, not ours, be done, O God."
Resolved, That we extend to the widow and family of Col. William M. Brown our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in their great affliction in that they have lost a good husband and kind father.
Resolved, That our condolence be tendered to the breatren of the Marion Lodge; of which our brother was a zealous member, and mingle our grief with theirs in this sad calamnity.
Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of this memoriam to the Lodge of which the deceased was a member, and also to the family of our deceased brother.
Charles W. Hancock/ P B Sims/ John E Sullivan/ Committee
Signed by Flo Heath Clerk of Probate Ct. 9-12-86-as a true copy of the newspaper article.
* 1870 Recorded William M. sold 352 acres Bk. F 242 Lots 29,50 in Buena Vista.
* Aug. 23. 1870 Persons who died during they year ending June 1970: Wm M Brown Apr Murdered Marion Co Record, Died in Americus,Sumter,Ga.
* 1870 Dec. 18 A list of the sale of the perishable property belonging to the estate of William M. Brown deceased. Sold this day. Terms of Sale for Cash.
* HISTORY OF MARION CO. GA. Supporter of Know Nothing Party or American Minority in Marion but had personal popularity. Veteran of War of 1836 Ardent Supporter of the Union Pg 54. Advocated Acquescience upon election of Lincoln and urged county to wait until there was commited some overt act of hostility before secession was considered...Well respected and listened to. Choice for deligate to Secession as those who opposed.)
* Notices from The Southern Christian Advocate 1837-1860 Vol 1 by Brent Holcomb. William M Brown of Marion Co Ga U S Marsall for the Dist of Ga to Mrs Ann E Ralls of Bullock Co Ga Issue of Nov 9,1849.(Bible of dtr. Emily A. Raines- gives death date
* The Southern Hist. 485 speaks of William W Drane,Eugenia Drane's Father-in-law, and pg 486 said son was happily married to Miss Eugenia N Brown born in Crawford Co Ga....dtr of Wm and Amanda Gray Brown. Mr Brown was born in Greene Co Ga and during boyhood and youth was deprived of educational advantages. When grown he moved to Crawford, which he afterward represented in the general assembly a number ot times. Subsequently he removed to Marion Co, which he also represented in the general assembly a number of years. He was in the Creek Indian war, in which he served as major. He was an "Ole-line whig" and about 1848 came within one or two votes of being nominated for congress, and was subsequently appointed United States Marshall Under President Taylor. He was elected as an anti-secessionist to the convention in 1860-61 and was one of the few who signed a protest against it. He possessed large planting interest, kept "Open House" an dentertained lavisly; the humblest of his guest received the same considerate attention as the rich and distinguished-all were welcome and all alike shared his hospitality. After the was he gave thousands of bushels of corn to the soldiers, and soldiers families. He was brave and courageous, and like such, generous and magnanimous-a born leader. The union of Mr and Mrs Drane has been blessed with six children ....etc. Recorded Deed Section 5-13-1867... Marion Co. Ga.
* William Drane for love and affecton he bore his dtr-in-law Eugenia N Drane and her children William and Masonie wife of Wm W...etc. She had 3 children and he gave 1500 for support and use and any she may have to be invested in any way...etc.
* Family Bible Records Series II in 6 Volumns Collected by the Bible Records Committee Mrs Eli A Thomas Chairman...Presented to the Dept of Archives and History by The Dtrs of the American Rev of Ga 1938...Vol 1 pages 1-329 inclusive
* W P A Project O P 465-34-3-185
* Family Bible of Wm M Brown now in posession of Eugenia Brown Drane's descendants (Eugenia was Wm. M's dtr) List children of Ezekiel and Miss Elizabeth "Betsy" Merritt List children of Wm M...does not give dates of most and gives date of her Mother as Sept 6, 1867...again. Gives only approximate date of Ezekiel's birth and death. Signed by Mrs E T Nottingham, who was a descendant and also wrote the Upson Co History...dated Mar 7, 1934..and notorized by Eula Carr John Houston Chapter D A R. (It is not very good proof).
* Page 13-1870 Tri Weekly Republican Americus Ga May 7, 1870 Tuesday Morning Tribute of Respect to Col Wm. M Brown Americus Ga 5-13-1870 At a meeting of Americus Lodge F.A.M. the undersigned were appointed a committee to draft such resolutions as would express their bereavement, consequent on the death of our brother, Col. Wm M Brown. In compliance therewith we submit the following Report:
* Col. Wm M Brown was a resident of Marion County, and died suddenly in Americus on the morning of the 29th of April 1870, in the 63rd year of his age. The death of our brother was a sad and mysterious one, the cause (Etc.) (More on request)
* Grave of Dtr Mary E who married Dr W. Reese says Dtr of Col and Mrs Wm M Brown, and she died 1892...
* William M's military service: Creek Indian War-Crawford Co. Ga.
Proof on other children given on request- in view of the lenghth of this.
Copyright © Ms. Gerry Hill. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Ms. Gerry Hill
Email address:
Submission date: 2002