Arkansas Family Group Sheet for the Osmond E. KING Family
Husband: Osmond E. KING
Birthdate: about 1807
Birthplace: Virginia
Death date: 1852/1853
Place of death: Jackson Co. Arkansas
Father: KING, John date & place not known
Mother: HINTON, Mary born abt.1772, Virginia
Marriage place: Sept. 7, 1830
Marriage date: Virginia
Wife: Harriet BLANTON
Birthdate: about 1811
Birthplace: Virginia
Death date: unknown
Place of death:
Father: BLANTON, Green - date of birth not known
Mother: OVERBY, Nancy- date of birth not known
Child 1: KING, Martha
Birthdate: about 1831 Virginia
Spouses' names: JOHNSON Thomas
Marriage date: about 1852 either in Tennessee or Arkansas
Death date: unknown (but presume Arkansas)
Child No. 2: KING,Mary
Birthdate: about 1835 Tennessee
Spouses' names: GOODWIN or GODWIN
Marriage date: after 1870 in Arkansas
Death date: unknown
Child No. 3: KING, Temeticus E.
Birthdate: about 1840 Humphrey Co. Tennessee
Spouses' names: last name (unknown), first name Mary
Marriage date: about 1875 Arkansas (maybe Independence Co.)
Death date: not known (was in Jackson co in 1880)
Child No. 4: KING, Barbara(Barbary)
Birthdate: about 1843 in Tennessee
Spouses' names: unknown
Marriage date: unknown
Death date: unknown
Child No. 5: KING, James
Birthdate: about 1847 Tennessee
Spouses' names: none
Marriage date: none
Death date: between 1852 & 1858 Jackson Co. Arkansas
Child No. 6: KING, ERAZMUS
Birthdate: about 1847/48 Humphrey Co. Tennessee
Spouses' names: never married
Marriage date: none
death during year of 1849 Humphrey Co. Tennessee
Child No. 7: KING, John Green
Birthdate: March 1, 1850 Humphrey Co. Tennessee
Spouses' names: [1] ANDERSON, Emma Zinda [2] MASHORE, Mollie
Marriage date: [1] May 16, 1869 Fulton Co. Arkansas [2] Oct. 18,1916 Texas
Death date: Nov. 28, 1921 Stonewall Co. Texas
Child No. 8: KING, William W.
Birthdate: April 25, 1852 Jackson Co. Arkansas
Spouses' names: last name unknown, first name Amanda
Marriage date: about 1886 Texas
Death date: April 25, 1898 Clay Co. Texas
1. listed as: KING, Easman Tax records Jackson Co. Arkansas 1852 KING, Mrs. Harriet listed in 1854 (80 acres, 1 horse, 2 cattle) In 1854 Harriet listed Again as Bird Township SW 1/4 SW 1/4 17-13-2, 40 acres and NW 1/4 SE 1/4 18-13-2 40 acres taxable for 2 years, no other propertie shown
* Deed Records of Jackson Co. Arkansas: (Miller-Newell Abstract Company) March 21, 1853 - Deed E page 297
William Cole to Timiticus M. , James G. ,John G. ,and William W. KING all of Jackson County for $275,
NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 17, Township 13 N, Range 2 W, 40 acres and
NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 18, Township 13 N, Range 2 W, 4o acres;
witnessed by C.W. Board and G. Burgess.
* Guardian appointed in 1858 to protect the rights of minors in their estate rights in Tennessee. Osmonds mother had died by April 4,1855 in Humphrey Co Tennessee as Osmonds children were to recieve his share of her estate.ProbateCourt record B, page 367 January Term 1858.
On petition of C.W. Board, William H. Box appointed Guardian of Temeticus King, John King and William King, minors under 21, heirs of Osburn E. King dec. Guardian bond alluded to not found.
* Census records: 1850 Humphrey Co Tennessee(found by myself)
King, Osmond E.,43 born in Va.
King, Harriet , 42 born in Va.
King, Martha ,19 born in Va.
King, Mary ,15 born in Tenn.
King, Telemucus, 10 born in Tenn
King, Barbary, 7 born in Tenn.
King, James, 2 born in Tenn.
King, John , 3/12 born in Tenn.
* 1860 Census Jackson Co. Arkansas, Bird Township, Dwelling 35, Family 35 (Elgin Post Office)
KING, Harriet, 49 born Va. real estate $1600, personal property $13
KING, Mary , 24 born in Tenn , personal property $160
KING, Temeticus , 21, born in Tenn., Farm laborer
KING, John 10 born in Tenn.
KING, William 8 born in Arkansas
There was also a agriculture schedule that showed 12 acres of improved land, 68 acres of unimproved land value total was valued @ $1600, machinery & implements value $4, 2 milchcows, 5 other cattle, 4 hogs value total $58.
Production: 20 bushels of indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 27 bushels of irish potatoes, 10 bushels sweet potatoes, 7 value of animals slaughtered. 0 pounds of butter and $15 value of animals slaughtered. (from line 32)
From line 33: KING, M. 6 acres improved land, $4 value of machinery & implements, 1 horse & 1 milchcow valued @$135. Production: 27 bushels sweet potatoes, $23 worth of market gardens,100 pounds of butter, $100.
* No records for 1846-1875 of the King children found in marriage records of Jackson Co.
* 1870 Census Jackson Co. Arkansas Bird Township, Dwelling 87, Family 87
Bonner, Milton B., 30 born Tenn,Farmer
Bonner,Mary B. ,22 born Ark.personal property $250
Bonner,Samuel W. 7 born Ark.
Elder, Sallie T. , 17 born Ark.
KING, William, 18 born in Ark. works on farm.
Dwelling 179,Family 179
Johnson Martha, 36 born Va
Johnson Ann T., 17, born in Ark.
Johnson Mary T., 15, born in Ark.
Johnson Louisa J., 12, born Ark.
Johnson Martha C., 10, born in Ark.
Martha's husband Thomas served in Matlock's Regiment in 1863 and his family was listed on indigent families in Jackson Co. Thomas died at his home in Jackson Co. of measels. He had joined up on July 27,1862 & he died on August 18, 1863.The family & ages on the indigent list in 1863 were listed as: Martha Johnson age 32, wife;Ann Johnson 10,daughter; Mary 8, daughter; Isabel 5, daughter; Caroline 3, daughter.
* In 1870 Temeticus E. KING was living in Independence Co. Arkansas and working as a clerk in a store and living in the owners home then in 1880 he was back in Jackson Co. with a wife named Mary who was born in Mo. and an orphan girl name Lizzie King born about 1868 also born in Mo. she was listed as an orphan but also as KING so I believe this was probably his wife's sister. They also had Josie J. King born about 1876 and Salome King born about 1878. I had a worker look up Temeticus on the 1900 census index in Jackson Co and he was not found. I wonder if he had died or moved. He had 2 brothers who were in Texas---my grandfather, John Green King who died in Stonewall Co. in 1921, and his other brother William W. King who died in Clay Co. in 1898. I do not know what happened to his mother Harriet as I have failed to find any trace after the 1860 census. His sister Mary also dissappeared after the 1860 census although when the children started selling the land in 1867 Temeticus first sold his share to James H. Stiff for $150: Deed N page 377 on Oct.15,1867.Then deed N page 379 Martha F. Johnson sold her share to James F. Stiff for $75 on Feb. 10,1868. Then Mary E. Godwin sold her share for $80 to James F. Stiff on Dec. 16, 1868,Deed N page 381. Then William W. sold his share to James F. Stiff on Dec. 13, 1871Deed S. page 71,. and on May 17, 1870, Janeticus E. King (corrected to read TometicusE. King), Martha F. Johnson,Mary E. Goodwin (the first was signed Godwin)signed jointly to sell for $305 acknowledged before S.K. Chandler JP.Deed S page 72. All were said to be from Jackson Co. Arkansas and it was described as the same 80 acres.that the children had sold to them in Deed Book E page297 on March 21, 1853,the last Deed X page 496 was John G. King & wifw Emily S. of Montague Co Texas who sold his share for $100 on April 15, 1876 before W.D. Allen (a notary public in Montague Co. Texas).
* Then last but not least John G. King
Copyright © Thelma King Yeo. All rights reserved.
Submitted by: Thelma King Yeo
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