FGS Project choose a state
International - 744
Alabama - 1153
Alaska - 5 ARIZONA
Missouri - 1678
Montana - 43
Nebraska - 309
This site was last updated on 18 June 2024.
32,556 family group sheets currently online!

Select a state to view family group sheets.   You can submit family group sheets here.

   In recent years, there has been a large movement toward novel or accurate spellings of names, both given and surnames. This was not so before the mid-1900s. It just wasn't all that important to a people who were more concerned with feeding their families. Be sure to look at alternate spellings of any name on this site.
   If you have a website devoted to a particular county or state and would like to be notified when a new sheet is received for that location, send a note to Gina.

Family Group Sheet Project Manager: Gina Heffernan
Assistant Manager: Rebecca Maloney

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