Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the Adolphus Washington WHEATLEY Family

Husband: Adolphus Washington WHEATLEY
Birthdate: 6 May 1834 (1)
Birthplace: Wilkes County, NC
Death date: 25 Sept 1920 (2) (3)
Place of death: Ralston, Pawnee County, OK
Father: William W. WHEATLEY (1)
Mother: Mary L. CLEVLEAND (1)

Marriage date: 23 Dec 1883 (4)
Marriage place: Warrensburg, Johnson County, MO

Wife: Theodosia E. COOPER
Birthdate: 2 May 1859 (5)
Birthplace: Warrensburg, Johnson County, MO
Death date: 31 Dec 1937 (3)(6)
Place of death: Ralston, Pawnee County, OK
Father: John Alexander COOPER (5)
Mother: Amelia Florinda ADAMS (5)


Child No. 1: Grover Cleveland WHEATLEY
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 16 Jan 1885 (7) (8)
Birthplace: KnobNoster, Johnson Co. MO
Death date: 15 July 1957 (9) (10)
Place of death: Pawnee Co. OK
Marriage date: 9 April 1938
Marriage place: Pawnee Co. OK
Spouse's name: Margaret WILLIAMS

Child No. 2: Alta A. WHEATLEY
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 19 Mar 1887 (7) (9)
Birthplace: KnobNoster, Johnson Co. MO
Death date: 14 Jan 1912 (3)
Place of death: Ralston, Pawnee Co. OK
Marriage date: never married
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Anna Elizabeth WHEATLEY
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 26 May 1888 (7)
Birthplace: KnobNoster, Johnson Co. MO
Death date: 13 Mar 1912 (3)
Place of death: Ralston, Pawnee Co. OK
Marriage date: never married
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: William Washington WHEATLEY
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 7 May 1890 (7) (8)
Birthplace: KnobNoster, Johnson Co. MO
Death date: Sept 1984 (9)
Place of death: Ada, OK
Marriage date: 4 July 1926
Marriage place: Pawnee Co. OK
Spouse's name: Alta BARNES

Child No. 5: Robert Lee WHEATLEY
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 3 Sept 1891 (7) (8)
Birthplace: KnobNoster, Johnson Co. MO
Death date: 25 Dec 1971 (9) (10) (11)
Place of death: Pawnee, Pawnee Co. OK
Marriage date: 1) 16 Mar 1916 2) 8 Jan 1929
Marriage place: 1)Pawnee, Pawnee Co. OK
Spouse's name: 1) Drusilla Jane HENRY (12) 2) Brucilla WALLER (13)

Child No. 6: Nellie Pauline WHEATLEY
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 31 May 1897 (7)
Birthplace: KnobNoster, Johnson Co. MO
Death date: Jun 1993 (9)
Place of death: Weleetka, Okfuskee Co. OK
Marriage date: 1)22 Feb 1919 2)unknown 3)15 June 1955
Marriage place: Oklahoma
Spouse's name: 1) William Burton BELL 2) Charles WOLFE 3) Arthur LEDSWORTH
1. 1850 Census>North Carolina>Wilkes>Not Stated.
2. Testimony: In the matter of the Estate of Adolphus W. Wheatley Probate Case # 917, Court Clerk, County Court, Pawnee County, OK.
3. Buried: Old Ralston Cemetery, Ralston, Pawnee Co. OK- Headstone Picture.
4. Marriage License: Registrar of Deeds, Johnson County, Warrensburg, MO.
5. 1860 Census>Missouri>Johnson>Warrensburg.
6. Death Certificate: State of Oklahoma, Department of Health # 23002.
7. 1900 Census>Oklahoma>Pawnee>Coal Creek>District 176.
8. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record.
9. Social Security Death Index Record.
10. Ralston Cemetery, Ralston, Pawnee Co. OK – Headstone picture.
11. Death Certificate: State of Oklahoma, Department of Health.
12. Marriage License: Court Clerk, Pawnee Co. Marriage Book 8, page 465.
13. Marriage License: Court Clerk, Pawnee Co. Marriage Book 12, page 477.
14. Family History Record complied by Nellie Pauline Wheatley-Bell-Ledsworth and Lorene May Hooper Wheatley.

* Adolphus W. Wheatley direct lineage descendants qualify for membership to the First Families of the Twin Territories, Oklahoma Genealogical Society. Homestead Certificate No. 8395, Issued 13 May 1907.
Adolphus W. Wheatley is a direct descendant of George W. Wheatley III, - American Revolution War Veteran. DAR Membership # 502037 – Nellie P. Wheatley-Bell-Ledworth.

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