Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the William James Tennison Family

Husband: William James TENNISON
Birthdate: Mar 25, 1835 - Godsen, Benton County, AL.
Death date: Sep 06, 1879 - Gainesville, Cooke County, TX.
father: TENNISON, Mathias (Matthew)
mother: McDANIEL, Sarah (Susan)

Marriage date: Apr 05, 1854
Marriage date: Calhoun County, AL.

Wife: Eliza Ann BURCH
Birthdate: Nov 07, 1835 - Benton County, AL.
Death date: May 24, 1903 - Norman, Cleveland County, OK.
father: BURCH, Hirum
mother: (QUINTANCE?) Anna


Child No. 1: TENNISON, Sarah Ann
Birthdate: Jan 1856, AL.
Spouse's name: BURCH, James Monroe
Marriage date:
Death date: Aft. 1920, Probably Norman, Cleveland County, OK.

Child No. 2: TENNISON, Josephine L.
Birthdate: 1857, AL.
Spouse's name: MICHEALS (MIKEAL,) Wyatt
Marriage date:
Death date: Aft. 1920, Probably Norman, Cleveland County, OK.

Child No. 3: TENNISON, Pressley M.
Birthdate: Feb 24, 1859, Calhoun County, AL.
Spouse's name: MELER, Amanda Ann
Marriage date: Dec 17, 1882, Cooke County, TX.
Death date: Oct 07, 1918, Chickasha, Grady County, OK.

Child No. 4: TENNISON, unknown
Birthdate: Oct 04, 1861, Houston, Texas County, MO.
Spouse's name:
Marriage date:
Death date: Apr 01, 1938, Norman Cleveland County, OK.

Child No. 5: TENNISON, Arie Elizabeth (Lizzie)
Birthdate: Oct 28, 1862, Mena, Polk County, AR.
Spouse's name: SPANGLER, Allen Joshua
Marriage date: Mar 04, 1877, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Death date: Jan 11, 1941, Ada, Pontotoc County, OK.

Child No. 6: TENNISON, John W.
Birthdate: Jun 07, 1866, Cooke County, TX.
Spouse's name: MELER, Minerva Jane
Marriage date: May 02, 1886, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Death date: Jul 20, 1943, Thomas, Custer, Custer County, OK.

Child No. 7: TENNISON, Hiram
Birthdate: Jan 1870
Spouse's name:
Marriage date:
Death date:

Child No. 8: TENNISON, Lydia
Birthdate: Oct 1872, TX.
Spouse's name: SMITH, unknown
Marriage date:
other marriages: #2WALKER, Cullen / #3 DAVIS, John
Death date: 1936, Probably Hobart, Kiowa County, OK.

Child No. 9: TENNISON, Thomas Adam
Birthdate: Sep 01, 1874, Cooke County, TX.
Spouse's name: WRIGHT, Mary
Marriage date: Bef. 1899, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Death date: Feb 04, 1918, Ninnkekah, Grady County, OK.

Child No. 10: TENNISON, Dollie C
Birthdate: Mar 1880, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Spouse's name: #1 ROATH, Daniel
Marriage date: Abt. 1896 in Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
other marriages: #2 BENHAM, Willis, #3 THOMPSON, John L(?)
Death date: 1934, Custer City, Custer County, OK.
* Cherokee County, Texas - BIRTHS 1928,
* 1900 Minco Census,
* 1900 and 1910 Censuses of OK Territory, Cleveland County, Norman township,
* Mt. Hope cemetery,
* Custer County, OK. records,
* 1910 and 1920 Custer, Co., OK Censuses,
* 1910 Grady County Census, OK,
* Names From Publications of Homestead Proofs, Estray Notices, and Contest Notices 1892-1905, Arapahoe Arrow 1892, Arapahoe Bee 1893-1906, Arapahoe Argus 1893-1896,
* Land Records,
* Woodmen of the World Cemetery, Rosenberg, Fort Bend County, TX: Renamed: Rosenberg Cemetery Records.

* Eliza Ann (BURCH) TENNISON's Father was Hirum Burch who married Anna (probable last name is Quintance) Hirum was the son of Ruben and Ruben is the son of Henry Burch the judge from SC.

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