Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the William Andrew Roane "Rory" Sugg Family

Husband: William Andrew Roane SUGG
aka: "Rory" SUGG
Birthdate: March 20, 1872
Birthplace: Bell Co., Texas
Death date: Aug 23, 1951
Place of death: Ada, Pontotoc Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Rosedale Cemetery, Ada, Oklahoma
Father: John Absolem Sugg
Mother: Emma P. ROANE

Marriage date: unknown
Marriage place: unknown

Wife: Mary Olive CLARK
Birthdate: Feb 3, 1873
Birthplace: Christian Co., Kentucky
Death date: June 3, 1931
Place of death: Ada, Pontotoc Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Rosedale Cemetery, Ada, Pontotoc Co., Oklahoma
Father: Isaac Buford Clark
Mother: Virginia Francis "Jennie" BROWN


Child No. 1: Charles Clark Sugg
Sex: M
Birthdate: Nov 17, 1899
Birthplace: Indian Territory Oklahoma
Death date: Dec 29, 1942
Place of death: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Seminole, Seminole Co., Oklahoma
Marriage date: March 17, 1923
Marriage place: Wewoka, Oklhoma
Spouse's name: Opal Mae Black

Child No. 2: William McKinley Sugg
Sex: M
Birthdate: Nov 15, 1901
Birthplace: Ada, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
Death date: Dec 27, 1971
Place of death: Wichita, Kansas
Burial: Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Goddard, Kansas
Marriage date: Dec 15, 1923 & Abt 1945
Marriage place: Ada, Pontococ Co., Oklahoma & Seminole Oklahoma
Spouse's name: Mary Gladys Thurman, Maryland Land

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