Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the William Marvin MEDLIN Family

Husband: William Marvin MEDLIN
Birthdate: July 30, 1901
Death date: Nov 28, 1973
Place of death: Oklahoma
Burial: Double Springs Cemetery, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: Nov 23, 1919
Marriage place:

Wife: Jessie Victoria TENNISON
Birthdate: April 5, 1901
Death date: Mar 15, 1970
Place of death: Oklahoma
Burial: Double Springs Cemetery, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Father: TENNISON, Alfred Leon
Mother: SILCOX, Elizabeth Pearl


Child No. 1: MEDLIN, Alfred Leon
Sex: M
Birthdate: Sep 02, 1920
Birthplace: Oklahoma
Death date: Nov 23, 1996
Place of death: Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Burial: Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Marriage date: Jul 06, 1944
Marriage place: Oklahoma
Spouse's name: ELLER, Ruby

Child No. 2: MEDLIN, Living
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: MEDLIN, Otis Marvin
Sex: M
Birthdate: Jan 23, 1923
Birthplace: Delaware County, Oklahoma
Death date: Nov 1, 1991
Place of death: Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Burial: Double Springs Cemetery, Tahlequah Oklahoma
Marriage date: 1944
Marriage place: Oklahoma
Spouse's name: MILLSAP, Velma Lorene

Child No. 4: MEDLIN, Gabe
Sex: M
Birthdate: Aug 8, 1924
Birthplace: Oklahoma
Death date: Aug 9, 1986
Place of death: Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Burial: Double Springs Cemetery, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Marriage date:
Marriage place: Oklahoma
Spouse's name: CURTIS, Billie Ruth

Child No. 5: MEDLIN, Mamie
Sex: F
Birthdate: May 3, 1926
Birthplace: Oklahoma
Death date: Jun 10, 1984
Place of death: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Marriage date:
Burial: Double Springs Cemetery, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Marriage place: Oklahoma
Spouse's name: NOTTINGHAM, Living

Child No. 6: MEDLIN, Living
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 7: MEDLIN, Living
Death date:
Place of death:
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 8: MEDLIN, Infant
Sex: ?
Birthplace: Oklahoma
Death date:
Place of death: Oklahoma
Burial: Oklahoma
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

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