Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the James Torrance McKINNEY Family #1

Husband: James Torrance McKINNEY
Birthdate: 19 May 1852
Birthplace: Georgia (probably Walker Co.)
Death date: 20 December 1914
Place of death: Woody Chapel, McClain Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Washington Cemetery, Washington, McClain Co., Oklahoma
Father: Torrance McKINNEY
Mother: Rebecca/vernelia TIPTON

Marriage date: 21 June 1878
Marriage place: Catoosa Co., Georgia

Wife: Rebeca Elizabeth CARSON
Birthdate: abt 1855
Birthplace: Georgia
Death date: 4 May 1887
Place of death: Arkansas (probably Baxter Co.)
Father: Andrew CARSON
Mother: Catherine BAILY


Child No. 1: Andrew Henry McKINNEY
Sex: m
Birthdate: 9 June 1879
Birthplace: Missouri
Death date: 22 September 1954
Place of death: Oklahoma
Burial: Washington Cemetery, Washington, McClain Co., Oklahoma
Marriage date: 9 June 1899
Marriage place: Baxter Co., Arkansas
Spouse's name: Sarah Jane FOUT (first)

Child No. 2: Caldonia Virginia McKINNEY
Sex: f
Birthdate: 12 November 1880
Birthplace: Arkansas
Death date: 18 December 1970
Place of death: Ada, Pontotoc Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Katie Cemetery, Garvin Co., Oklahoma
Marriage date: 24 November 1898
Marriage place: Baxter Co., Arkansas
Spouse's name: John Franklin HIVELY

Child No. 3: James Patrick McKINNEY
Sex: M
Birthdate: 13 December 1884
Birthplace: Arkansas
Death date: 16 July 1976
Place of death: Orange, Orange Co., California
Burial: Terrace Heights Memorial Park, Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington
Marriage date: abt 1908
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Maud

Child No. 4: Charles Edgar McKINNEY
Sex: M
Birthdate: 16 April 1887
Birthplace: Arkansas
Death date: 23 Janurary 1974
Place of death: Fort Collins, Larimer Co., Colorado
Burial: Crown Hill Cemetery, Denver, Colorado
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Stella Louise THRASHER
* 1860, 1870 Walker Co., Georgia Federal Census.
* 1880 Fulton Co., Arkansas Federal Census.
* 1900, 1920 Baxter Co., Arkansas Federal Census.
* 1910, 1920, 1930 McClain Co., Oklahoma Federal Census.
* 1910, 1930 Garvin Co., Oklahoma Federal Census.
* 1920, 1930 Okanogan Co., Washington Federal Census.
* Catoosa Co., Georgia Marriage records.
* Baxter Co., Arkansas marriage records.
* Death Certificate for James Patrick McKINNEY.
* Death Certificate for Caldonia Virginia McKINNEY HIVELY.
* Social Security Death Index.
* Washington Cemetery, Washington, Oklahoma tombstones.

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