Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the John Monroe McDaniel Family

Husband: John Monroe McDANIEL
Birthdate: SEPT. 2, 1863
Birthplace: TN
Death date: June 13, 1946
Place of death: Winterhaven, Imperial Co., CA
Burial: Yuma, AZ
Father: John M. MCDANIEL
Mother: unknown

Marriage date: June 29, 1891
Marriage place: Choctaw Nation, OK

Wife: Harriet Melvina BLAYLOCK
Birthdate: May 6, 1871
Birthplace: OK
Death date: July 10, 1950
Place of death: Winterhaven, Imperial Co., CA
Burial: Yuma, AZ
Father: Dave BLAYLOCK
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: Ausie Floyd MCDANIEL
Sex: M
Birthdate: SEPT. 21, 1902
Birthplace: Tomahawk, Choctaw Co., OK
Death date: Dec. 27, 1985
Place of death: El Centro, Imperial Co., CA
Burial: Yuma, AZ
Marriage date: jUNE 26, 1926
Marriage place: Yuma, AZ
Spouse's name: Thelma Hazel COOPER

Child No. 2: Johnny Lester MCDANIEL
Sex: M
Birthdate: ABT 1905
Birthplace: OK
Death date: unknown
Place of death: OK
Burial: OK
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 3: Homer Nevell MCDANIEL
Sex: m
Birthdate: June 13, 1908
Birthplace: Ok
Death date: March 4, 1984
Place of death: Merced, CA
Burial: Merced, CA
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Floy

Child No. 4: Omer Nevell MCDANIEL
Sex: M
Birthdate: June 13, 1908
Birthplace: OK
Death date: June 19, 1990
Place of death: Ventura, CA
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 5: Miles Eddie MCDANIEL
Birthdate: Dec. 3, 1914
Birthplace: Weleetka, Okfuskee Co., OK
Death date: March 11, 1996
Place of death: Yuma, AZ
Burial: Yuma, AZ
Marriage date: 1943
Marriage place: Yuma, AZ
Spouse's name: living Crowe

Child No. 6: Guy Preston MCDANIEL
Sex: M
Birthdate: Dec. 31, 1917
Birthplace: OK
Death date: July 11, 2001
Place of death: Dos Palos, Merced Co, CA
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* AZ and CA death records,
* Mother, Aunts, Uncles,
* Social Security records,
* Marriage records.

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