Oklahoma Family Group Sheet for the Bruce Burton CARTER Family

Husband: Bruce Burton CARTER
Birthdate: 11/16/1885
Birthplace: Romeo, Greene Co, Tennessee
Death date: 01/16/1975
Place of death: Coalgate, Coal Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Coal Co., Oklahoma
Father: CARTER, James Nelson
Mother: KITE, Cordelia

Marriage date:
Marriage place: Coal County, Oklahoma

Wife: Bessie Mae NASH
Birthdate: 08/04/1890
Birthplace: Texas
Death date: 09/09/1972
Place of death: Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma
Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Coal County, OK
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown


Child No. 1: BAKER, Golda Ruth
Sex: F
Birthdate: 05/11/1909
Birthplace: Coal Co., Oklahoma
Death date: 05/17/1991
Place of death: Coalgate, Coal Co, OK
Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Coal Co., Oklahoma
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: BAKER, Robert

Child No. 2: CARTER, Harvey
Sex: M
Birthplace: Coal Co., Oklahoma
Death date: abt. 2001
Place of death: Coalgate, Coal Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Wapanucka Cemetery, Johnston Co, Oklahoma
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: O'NEAL, Melba

Child No. 3: CARTER, Bruce Jr.
Sex: M
Birthdate: 08/08/1922
Birthplace: Clarita, Coal Co, Oklahoma
Death date: 04/28/2003
Place of death: Oklahoma City, Okla. Co., Oklahoma
Burial: Moore Cemetery, Clarita, Coal Co, Oklahoma
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
* Cemetery and family records,

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