NH Family Group Sheet for the Daniel CARLISLE Family #1

Husband: Daniel CARLISLE
Birthdate: 22 Sept 1797
Birthplace: Westmoreland, Cheshire Co, NH
Death date: 31 Mar 1872
Place of death: Buchanan, Berrien Co, MI
Father: Daniel CARLISLE
Mother: Zipporah WHEELER
Other Spouse: Hannah Lewis GLOVER

Marriage date:
Marriage place:

Wife: Louisa Lambert GLOVER
Birthdate: 24 Dec 1801
Birthplace: Dedham, Norfolk Co, MA
Death date: 1850-1852
Place of death: Cass Co, MI
Father: David GLOVER
Mother: Tamerson HALL


Child No. 1: Francis David
Sex: M
Birthdate: 16 Apr 1831
Birthplace: Bristol, Ontario Co, NY
Death date: 11 Sept 1854
Place of death: LaSalle, IL
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 2: Orville Daniel
Sex: M
Birthdate: 31 Aug 1832
Birthplace: Bristol, Ontario Co, NY
Death date: 28 June 1900
Place of death: AL
Marriage date: 26 Aug 1855
Marriage place: Buchanan, Berrien Co, MI
Spouse's name: Lydia A BARTLETT

Child No. 3: William Dwight
Sex: M
Birthdate: 16 Dec 1835
Birthplace: Bristol, Ontario Co, NY
Death date: 16 Dec 1852
Place of death: LaGrange, Cass Co, MI
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:

Child No. 4: Tamerson Zipporah
Sex: F
Birthdate: 12 Apr 1837
Birthplace: Gaines, Orleans Co, MI
Death date: 22 May 1874
Place of death: Island, Neoaga Co, KS
Marriage date: 13 July 1866
Marriage place: Buchanan, Berrien Co, MI
Spouse's name: James S EVANS

Child No. 5: Mary Elizabeth
Sex: F
Birthdate: 14 Aug 1840
Birthplace: Edwardsburg, Cass Co, MI
Death date: 17 Feb 1825
Place of death: Burley, Cassie Co, ID
Marriage date: 15 July 1868
Marriage place: Berrien Co, MI
Spouse's name: Werter David RYNEARSON

Child No. 6: Isaac Ashley
Sex: M
Birthdate: 5 July 1842
Birthplace: Edwardsburg, Cass Co, MI
Death date: 2 Jan 1920
Place of death: Buchanan, Berrien Co, MI
Marriage date: 2 Oct 1876
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Sarah Ann CAMFIELD

Child No. 7: Fanny Louise
Sex: F
Birthdate: 28 June 1845
Birthplace: LaGrange, Cass Co, MI
Death date: March 1905
Place of death: TX
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: William SCHAFER, Joshua TAYLOR, Walter DILLENBECK

Child No. 8: Arabella
Sex: F
Birthdate: 19 July 1857
Birthplace: Buchanan, Berrien Co, MI
Death date: 25 July 1937
Place of death: Sioux City, IA
Marriage date: 12 Dec 1878
Marriage place: Buchanan, Berrien Co, MI
Spouse's name: Walter Wilson OSBORN

1 History of Westmoreland, New Hampshire 1741-1970 by Westmoreland History
   Committee, 1976, p 368
2 Copy of family record written by Daniel Carlisle, Father of Arabella, copied by Walter W Osborn
3 Index to Births early to 1900, New Hampshire, Registrar Vital Statistics: FHL Batch 7540020
4 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 Census Records
5 Index to Berrien Co Marriages 1831-1994, FHL US/CAN film 0945409
6 Dibeans Michigan Marriages
7 Cemetery Records

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