Minnesota Family Group Sheet for the Nicholas SCHANTZEN Family

Husband: Nicholas SCHANTZEN
Birthdate: 02 November 1859
Birthplace: Houston County, Minnesota
Death date: 26 July 1925 (1)
Place of death: Comstock Township, Marshall County, Minnesota
Burial: St.Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery, Argyle, Marshall County, Minnesota
Father: Francis SCHANTZEN (1)
Mother: Anna Maria FISCH (1)

Marriage date: 04 April 1883
Marriage place: Crookston, Polk County, Minnesota

Wife: Madeline "Lena" LENHART
Birthdate: 22 October 1862
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Death date: 26 March 1923 (1)
Place of death: Thief River Falls, Pennington County, Minnesota
Burial: St.Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery, Argyle, Marshall County, Minnesota
Father: Micheal LENHART (1)
Mother: Magdalena HAAG (1)


Child No. 1: Anna M SCHANTZEN
Sex: female
Birthdate: June 1884
Birthplace: Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: 1938
Place of death: Pennington County, Minnesota
Marriage date: 30 June 1903
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Fred L MONROE

Child No. 2: Frank SCHANTZEN
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 1886
Birthplace: Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: 1915
Place of death: Marshall County, Minnesota
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Margaret WALZ

Child No. 3: Elsie SCHANTZEN
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 04 February 1887
Birthplace: Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: June 1982
Place of death: Hennepin County, Minnesota
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: David OSTLUND

Child No. 4: Joseph J SCHANTZEN
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 14 February 1889
Birthplace: Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: 23 June 1965
Place of death: Pennington County, Minnesota
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Hazel YUERGENS

Child No. 5: Jessie SCHANTZEN
Sex: Femal
Birthdate: March 1891
Birthplace: Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: November 1927
Place of death: Polk County, Minnesota
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Kettle HUNSTAD

Child No. 6: Lenora Elvira SCHANTZEN
Sex: Female
Birthdate: 25 December 1898
Birthplace: Comstock Township, Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: 03 May 1973
Place of death: Warren, Marshall County, Minnesota
Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Warren, Marshall County, Minnesota
Marriage date: 17 November 1915
Marriage place: Warren, Marshall County, Minnesota
Spouse's name: William (Billy) Theophil ZBLEWSKI

Child No. 7: MIlton M SCHANTZEN
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 07 October 1902
Birthplace: Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: 06 Mar 1961
Place of death: Hennepin County, Minnesota
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Esther A FRICKER

Child No. 8: Melvin J SCHANTZEN
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 18 October 1904
Birthplace: Marshall County, Minnesota
Death date: 17S eptember 1986
Place of death: Hennepin County, Minnesota
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name: Rhoda M JOHN
(1) Minnesota Death Certificate.
* Lenora SCHANTZEN is my grandmother.

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