HUSBAND: Charles Franklin HUMPHREY
Birthdate: 23 Nov 1873 , Belleville, Kansas
date and place of marriage: 16 Jan 1899, San Francisco, Calif.
other marriages: Kate S..______
military service: -------------
Death date: 17 Aug 1945 Berkeley, California
father: James Cobin HUMPHREY (1845-1910)
mother: Annie Sophia COUNTER (1854-1927)
WIFE: Elizabeth WARREN
Birthdate: 13 Sep 1876 South Reddish, Manchester, Lancashire, England
other marriages: ---------
date and place of marriage: --------
Death date: 18 May 1969 , B erkeley, California
father: John Scholey WARREN (1836-1910)
mother: Eliza CLARKE (1860-1943)
CHILD 1: James Warren HUMPHREY
Birthdate: 26 Oct 1901, San Francisco, Calif
married: Viva Luticia WALLIS (WALLACE) (1900-1976)
date and place of marriage: Reno, Calif.
other marriages: yes but unknown name.
Death date: 28 Feb 1985 Soquel, California
CHILD 2: John Charles (Jack) HUMPHREY
Birthdate: 26 Jun 1904 San Francisco, Calif
married: Mary Eloise PIERCE (1907-1989)
date and place of marriage: -------
other marriages: Mae _____
Death date: 17 Nov 1943    California
SOURCES: Personal Knowledge, Death Certs, Marriage Certs, Bible, Newspaper Obits & noted events for all information inclosed.

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