District of Columbia Family Group Sheet for the Osgood C. COBB Family

Husband: Osgood C. COBB
Birthdate: 27 Feb 1870
Birthplace: Algona, Kossuth, Iowa
Death date: June 1925
Place of death: Iowa Falls, Hardin, Iowa
Father: George N. COBB
Mother: Sarah E. PUTNEY

Marriage date: 27 Oct 1892
Marriage place: Iowa

Wife: Mabel Julia HALL
Birthdate: 7 Oct 1874
Birthplace: Eldora, Hardin, Iowa
Death date: 16 Aug 1955
Place of death: Washington D.C.
Father: Otis Sykes HALL
Mother: Martha "Mattie" Ann SOUTHARD


Child No. 1: Deane Hall COBB
Sex: M
Birthdate: 15 Apr 1897
Birthplace: Iowa Falls, Hardin, Iowa
Death date: 28 Jan 1963
Place of death:
Marriage date: 8 Oct 1919
Marriage place: Iowa
Spouse's name: Lois Frances MARBLE

Child No. 2: Gerald "Jerry" Nelson COBB
Sex: M
Birthdate: 10 Feb 1901
Birthplace: Iowa Falls, Hardin, Iowa
Death date: 16 June 1968
Place of death: West Kelso, Cowlitz, Washington
Marriage date: 20 Feb 1924
Marriage place: Saratoga, Carbon, Wyoming
Spouse's name: Estella Ione WILLFORD

Child No. 3: Elinor COBB
Sex: F
Birthdate: 16 June 1910
Birthplace: Iowa Falls, Hardin, Iowa
Death date: 16 Nov 1979
Place of death: Los Angeles County, California
Marriage date:
Marriage place:
Spouse's name:
Appendix A -
1. OBITUARY. Hardin County newspaper clipping hand dated June 22, 1925 "DEATH OF OSGOOD COBB FUNERAL HELD MONDAY AT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Was Good Businessman and Excellent Citizen and Held in High Esteem by Public
O. C. Cobb passed away at his home in this city last week, Thursday night. He had suffered some time with diabetes but was up and about until a few days before his death. At the end pneumonia and other complications set in. The funeral services were held at the Congregational church Monday afternoon and were in charge of Rev. C. E. Cushman. Interment took place in Eldora.Osgood C. Cobb was born in Algona, Iowa, February 27, 1870. At the age of three he was taken by his parents to Charles City, Iowa, where they lived until 1889, when Mr. Cobb went to Eldora as an apprentice in a jewelry store. On October 27, 1892 he was united in marriage with Miss Mabel J. Hall. To this union were bore three children, Dean, Gerald, and Eleanor all of whom with the mother survive. The deceased is also survived by a sister in St. Paul and a brother in Miles City, Montana. In 1894, Mr. and Mrs. Cobb came to Iowa Falls, where Mr. Cobb was manager of the Procter Bros. jewelry store. Later Mr. Cobb bought the business and the stock and has continued as owner for a quarter of a century or more. He has always conducted an up-to-date jewelry store and carried one of the best stocks in this part of the state. His conduct of business was always above reproach and the general public had confidence in him and held him in high esteem. Mr. Cobb was active in community affairs. He served on the school board and was a member of that body when the new high school was erected. He was a member of the library board at the time of his death and filled various positions of his responsibility in the city. Mr. Cobb was a member of various branches of the Masonsic fraternity and the Knights of Pythias and the Rotary club.The writer has known Mr. Cobb for thirty years and considered him a man of high character, of good business ability, of dependability, of neighborly kindness. He did as nearly right as he knew how and was universally liked and esteemed. He joined the Congregational church when fifteen years of age and was an active member at the time of his death. He was an exceptionally kindhearted man and felt kindly toward his fellow man. He was a man of good judgement and irreproachable habits.The community has a deep feeling of affection for the departed and of sympathy for the family. It is as if an old neighbor and friend, true to each of us throughout the years, had gone. Why he should be taken in the middle afternoon of life we cannot answer.

"Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the
Northwind's breath.
And stars to set; --- but all,
Thou hast seasons for thine own, O death.

"Still what is worth while remains --- friendliness, kindness, and memories.

"The living are the only dead;
The dead live, --- nevermore to die;
And often when we mourn them fled,
They never were so nigh."

2. Hardin County Cemeteries Burial records from 1850's to Summer of 1999. Eldora Cemetery
"Cobb, O. C.     1870-*1935    BN L3."
* this is a typographical error, actual year of death 1925
3. The Sikes / Sykes Families Association.
4. Iowa Falls Newspaper OBITUARY. "Funeral services for Mrs. O.C. Cobb, 81, widow of a prominent Iowa Falls jeweler of a quarter century ago, were held this morning in Washington D.C., where she died Tuesday morning. The former Mabel Hall of Eldora, Mrs. Cobb was married about 1893 to the late O.C. Cobb, and they moved to Iowa Falls after their marriage where he operated a jewelry store until his death in 1925. Mrs. Cobb continued to live in Iowa Falls until 1939, when she moved to the nation's capitol to make her home with her daughter Eleanor. Also surviving Mrs. Cobb are two sons, Dean of Los Angeles, Calif., and Gerald of Long View, Wash., several grandchildren and great grandchildren, and a sister in Enid, Okla. Mrs. Cobb's body will be creamated in Washington, and brought to Eldora later this year for burial beside her husband."
5. Hardin County Cemeteries Burial records from 1850's to Summer of 1999.
Eldora Cemetery "Cobb, Mabel H.    1872-1955    BN L3."
6. DEATH RECORD. "Last Name: COBB First Name: ELINOR Middle: Birth Date: 06/16/1910 Mother Maiden: Father Last: Sex: FBirth Place: IOWA Death Place: LOS ANGELES Residence: Death Date: 11/16/1979 SSN: 578-30-8980 Age: 69 yrs."
7. Hardin County Cemeteries Burial records from 1850's to Summer of 1999. Eldora Cemetery
"Cobb, Elinor    1/18/1980    N 3   Cobb, Elinor 18 Jan 1980."
8. Hardin County Cemeteries Burial records from 1850's to Summer of 1999.
"Cobb, Infant    no dates    B2 L10   Otis Hall, Jr. lot
 Cobb, Infant    no dates    B2 L10   Otis Hall, Jr. lot."
9. Hardin County Cemeteries Burial records from 1850's to Summer of 1999.
"Cobb, Infant    no dates    B2 L10   Otis Hall, Jr. lot
 Cobb, Infant    no dates    B2 L10   Otis Hall, Jr. lot."
10. Hardin County Cemeteries Burial records from 1850's to Summer of 1999.
"Cobb, C. C.         B2 L10    Otis Hall, Jr. lot."
11. South Dakota Records, File 753072. "MARBLE, LOIS FRANCES Birth Date: 08-02-1899 File: 753072 Sex: F City/County: BUTTE Mother Last: MCGOWEN Mother First: RACHEAL ETELYNE Father Last: MARBLE Father First: ARTHUR HUGO."
12. California Death Index, 1940-1997. "Surname LOTTS Given Name LOIS Middle Name MARBLE Sex FEMALE Birth Date 2 Aug 1899 Death Date 26 Aug 1984 Birth Place SOUTH DAKOTA Death Place VENTURA Social Security # 545-70-3530 Mother's Maiden Name MCGOWEN Father's Surname MARBLE."
13. Washington Death Index, 1940-1996. "Name: Gerald N Cobb
Place of Death: Kelso
Residence: Kelso
Gender: M
Date of Death: 16 Jun 1968
Certificate: 013052."
14. Cowlitz County, Washington, Cemetery Records Thru 1983, published by Lower Columbia Geneological Society, volume 1, page 55. Cowlitz View Memorial Gardens, Kelso
15. Saratoga Sun, Newspaper, Saratoga, Wyoming, Feb 1924. "Miss Estella Willford was the guest of honor at a party and miscellaneous shower which occurred Monday evening at the home of Kathryn Martin. About 35 guests were present and a merry evening was spent with various games. Many beautiful and useful gifts were recieved by the young lady, whose marriage to Jerry Cobb will occur, it is reported, the latter part of this month."
16. Saratoga Sun. "Cobb-Willford At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Willford in Saratoga at 6:00 p. m. yesterday, February 20, occurred the marriage of Miss Estella Ione Willford and Gerald Nelson Cobb, prominent young folks of the community. The ceremony was performed by Reverend J. A. Campbell of the Presbyterian church, and witnessed only by the immediate relatives and a few close friends of the couple. Miss Louise Willford, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Bernard Butler was best man.The groom is an energetic and progressive young man. He is now employed with a tie hauling contract at the French Creek tie camp, where they will make their home temporarily, but has a homestead in the upper valley where they will reside after the completion of his tie contract. The bride is the eldest daughter of R. C. Willford. She has grown up in this community and attended the local schools, and has always been deservedly popular in the younger social set.The Sun desires to join with the very wide circle of friends of the couple in extending congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity."
17. Saratoga Sun, 21 Feb 1924. "While coming in from the Willford Ranch yesterday to be the principal part in a wedding ceremony, "Jerry" Cobb and the lady who is now his wife, accompanied by her sister, Louise Willford, met with an accident near the Nixon ranch which came near to causing a postponement of the nuptials. While coming down a steep hill, the iron ring in the neckyoke gave way dropping the buggy tongue and cramping the rig so that the occupants were spilled promiscuously down the hill. While all were more or less bruised and scratched, no very serious injury resulted, and they completed the trip to town and celebrated their wedding last evening, although several hours behind schedule time. The buggy in which they were riding was completely demolished, and the party was brought on to town by a truck which came up a few moments after the accident."
18. Washington Death Index, 1940-1996. "Name: Estella W Cobb
Place of Death: Longview
Residence: Longview
Gender: F
Date of Death: 24 Aug 1965
Certificate: 016205."
19. Cowlitz County, Washington, Cemetery Records Thru 1983, Volume 1, page 55. Cowlitz View Memorial Gardens, Kelso.

* Osgood C. Cobb and Mabel Julia Hall had a child or children identified as "infant" buried in the Eldora Cemetery. Since I do not know the specifics on these particular children I did not list them on the group sheet.

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